By the end of the second library session, we hope you will be able to do the following:
Watch the video below to see how the WorldCat database works, how to borrow materials from other libraries using the InterLibrary Loan service, and how to Suggest-a-Purchase for a book, video, or journal subscription we don't own.
Here is a selected list of LC subject terms that might prove useful for your library catalog and database searching. A few notes ...
1) notice how you can add place names and combine terms
2) no need to key in the punctuation -- just type, for instance: architecture human factors
3) be sure to search as SUBJECT -- in the Marriott Library catalog, this means changing ANY to SUBJECT
Architectural design
Architecture -- Human factors
Architecture and society
Bicycle trails
Cities and towns--[place name]—History
Cities and towns – Growth
City planning--[place name]
City planning—History
City planning & redevelopment law
Civic improvement
Community development, Urban
Community life--[place name]
County planning
Ecological landscape design
Housing--Government policy
Housing--Law and legislation
Housing development
Housing policy
Land use -- Planning
Land use, urban
Land use, urban -- Environmental aspects
Land use, Urban --[place name]—History
Local transit
Metropolitan areas
Neotraditional development
New towns--[place name]—History
Pedestrian areas
Pedestrian facilities design
Planned communities
Public works -- Management
Real estate development
Regional planning
Regional planning--[place name]—History
Transportation--[place name]--Planning--History
Urban renewal--[place name]--History
Urbanization--[place name]--History
Streets -- Design and construction
Suburban life--[place name]
Suburbs--[place name]
Sustainable architecture
Traffic congestion
Transportation -- Finance
Transportation -- Planning
Transportation -- Planning -- Mathematical models
Transportation and state
Urban beautification
Urban ecology
Urban landscape architecture
Urban policy
Urban renewal
Urban sprawl
Urban transportation -- Planning
Urban transportation policy -- [place name]
Urbanization -- Environmental aspects
Urbanization--United States
Zoning law
[place name]—Guidebooks