Writing 6000: Other Research Tools
and Journals Info
Is It Peer-Reviewed?
The Marriott Library subscribes to Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, a searchable directory of journals, periodicals and serials.
You can search for a journal by name. If the journal is peer-reviewed (refereed), it will have a little black-and-white referee's jersey next to the name.
journal Tools
- Alerts to Journals GuideLearn how to set alerts so that you can get alerts about articles getting published around your topic
- Bibliometrics and Impact Factor GuideBibliometrics is library-speak for the science of determining the rank and influence of journals, articles, and authors. Click on the image below to get to the library's Bibliometrics and Impact Factor subject guide, which will help you figure out how to find out which journals in your field have the highest impact.
Other Helpful Tools
- Library of Congress Subject HeadsLibrary of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) has been actively maintained since 1898 to catalog materials held at the Library of Congress. By virtue of cooperative cataloging other libraries around the United States also use LCSH to provide subject access to their collections. In addition LCSH is used internationally, often in translation.
- Use Concept to Help Visualize TopicsWhy Use Concept Mapping in your Research?
Helps you organize new information
Helps you connect new knowledge with prior knowledge
Helps you make connections between the main idea and other subtopics
Helps you construct your knowledge visually
participating - How to overcome writers' blockUse the Dragon Dictation App for free to get some ideas out on your phone and then email it to yourself or record ideas that come to mind so you do not forget them.
Subject Guide
Shane Wallace