Writing 6000: Welcome to
the Library!

Graduate Student Resources

Welcome to the Library!

Marriott Library

The librarians at the Marriott Library are here to help you with all of your research needs.  Stop by the Knowledge Commons desk, make an appointment with a librarian, or ask us a question via our chat reference service - we'll be happy to help!

Each discipline has a dedicated subject-specialist librarian that can help you navigate disciplinary specific resources. Here is the list of subject specialists  and a complete list of subject guides created by the subject expert librarians

Each of the library subject specialists maintains a subject guide for specific disciplinary research tools and resources. These guides may of interest to you:

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Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Shane Wallace
J.W. Marriott Library
Office Hours:
By appointment

Thanks to Sarah LeMire

Credit for getting this subject guide started and structured goes to Sarah LeMire!

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library