Writing 6000: Citing
Citation Manuals
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by
Call Number: LB2369 .G53 2009 (Knowledge Commons Ready Reference)ISBN: 9781603290241Publication Date: 2009-01-01
For a quick online guide to MLA and APA format's check out the Purdue OWL. For more detailed help, check out the style guides below.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by
Call Number: BF76.7 .P83 2010 (Knowledge Commons Ready Reference)ISBN: 1433805596Publication Date: 2009-07-15
Citation Management Systems
Need help organizing your citations? Try one of the systems below, which are all freely available to you as a student at the U of U. These systems will also help you create your bibliography for your paper and are compatible with over 6,000 citation styles. If you have any questions or difficulty using one of these systems, contact a librarian for help.
- Zotero is free and open-source
- Easy to import citations from Usearch, many library databases, and many websites
- Can import dozens of citations at a time from Google Scholar
- Can create bibliographies in over 6,000 citation styles
- Compatible with EndNote Basic and Mendeley
- Has cite-while-you-write feature
- EndNote Basic is free to U of U students, staff, and faculty
- Can directly import citations from Usearch, many library databases, and many websites
- Can create bibliographies in over 6,000 citation styles
- Compatible with Zotero and Mendeley
- Mendeley is freely available
- Can import citations from many library databases and webpages
- Can create bibliographies in over 6,000 citation styles
- Can share citations through groups feature
- Has cite-while-you-write feature
Here is one I just learned about this one this week: F1000 for Science Disciplines
- Some overview information about F1000Workspace
Subject Guide

Shane Wallace