HEDU 5300: Diversity & Health
A course guide for Jackie Farnsworth's class
Fall 2024 Additional Books Recommended by Prof. Farnsworth
The health gap: The challenge of an unequal world by Available in print and ebook format. In Baltimore's inner-city neighborhood of Upton/Druid Heights, a man's life expectancy is sixty-three; not far away, in the Greater Roland Park/Poplar neighborhood, life expectancy is eighty-three. The same twenty-year avoidable disparity exists in the Calton and Lenzie neighborhoods of Glasgow, and in other cities around the world.In Sierra Leone, one in 21 fifteen-year-old women will die in her fertile years of a maternal-related cause; in Italy, the figure is one in 17,100; but in the United States, which spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world, it is one in 1,800...
Call Number: RA418.5.P6 M385 2019 and eBookISBN: 9781632860798Publication Date: 2015The social determinants of health: Looking upstream by Only available in print format. "This timely book takes seriously the idea of understanding how our social world - and not individual responsibility or the healthcare system - is the primary determinant of our health. Kathryn Strother Ratcliff puts into practice the "upstream" imagery from public health discourse, which locates the causes (and solutions) of health problems within the social environment. …"
Call Number: RA418 .R336 2017ISBN: 9781509504312Publication Date: 2017Just medicine: A cure for racial inequality in American health care by Available in print and ebook format. "Offers an innovative plan to eliminate inequalities in American health care and save the lives they endanger Over 84,000 black and brown lives are needlessly lost each year due to health disparities: the unfair, unjust, and avoidable differences between the quality and quantity of health care provided to Americans who are members of racial and ethnic minorities and care provided to whites. Health disparities have remained stubbornly entrenched in the American health care system...."-
Call Number: RA448.4 .M38 2015 and eBookISBN: 9781479896738Publication Date: 2015Medical apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present by Available in electronic and print formats from the Marriott and Eccles Library. "From the era of slavery to the present day, the first full history of black America' shocking mistreatment as unwilling and unwitting experimental subjects at the hands of the medical establishment. Medical Apartheid is the first and only comprehensive history of medical experimentation on African Americans. Starting with the earliest encounters between black Americans and Western medical researchers and the racist pseudoscience... "
Call Number: R853.H8 W37 2006 and eBookISBN: 0385509936Publication Date: 2007Black man in a white coat: A doctor's reflection on race and medicine by At least 10 copies available at the Marriott & Eccles libraries. "One doctor's passionate and profound memoir of his experience grappling with race, bias, and the unique health problems of black Americans When Damon Tweedy begins medical school,he envisions a bright future where his segregated, working-class background will become largely irrelevant. Instead, he finds that he has joined a new world where race is front and center. The recipient of a scholarship designed to increase black student enrollment, Tweedy soon meets a professor who bluntly questions whether he belongs in medical school, a moment that crystallizes the challenges..."
Call Number: R154.T84 A3 2015ISBN: 9781250044631Publication Date: 2015How to be an Antiracist by 4 print copies & 2 ebook copies available. "Antiracism is a transformative concept that reorients and reenergizes the conversation about racism--and, even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. At its core, racism is a powerful system that creates false hierarchies of human value; its warped logic extends beyond race, from the way we regard people of different ethnicities or skin colors to the way we treat people of different sexes, gender identities, and body types. …"
Call Number: E184.A1 K344 2019ISBN: 9780525509288Publication Date: 2019Me and white supremacy: Combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor by Available in ebook format. "This eye-opening book challenges you to do the essential work of unpacking your biases, and helps white people take action and dismantle the privilege within themselves so that you can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of color, and in turn, help other white people do better, too..."
ISBN: 9781728209807Publication Date: 2020So You Want to Talk about Race by Print format only. "In this New York Times bestseller, Ijeoma Oluo offers a hard-hitting but user-friendly examination of race in America Widespread reporting on aspects of white supremacy -- from police brutality to the mass incarceration of Black Americans -- has put a media spotlight on racism in our society. Still, it is a difficult subject to talk about. How do you tell your roommate her jokes are racist? Why did your sister-in-law take umbrage when you asked to touch her hair -- and how do you make it right? How do you explain white privilege to your white, privileged friend? …"
Call Number: E184.A1 O454 2018ISBN: 9781580058827Publication Date: 2019Why Are Health Disparities Everyone's Problem? by "... In Why Are Health Disparities Everyone''s Problem? Dr. Lisa Cooper shows how we can work together to eliminate the injustices that plague our health care system and society. The book follows Cooper''s journey from her childhood in Liberia, West Africa, to her thirty-year career working first as a clinician and then as a health equity researcher at Johns Hopkins University. Drawing on her experiences, it explores how differences in communication and the quality of relationships affect health outcomes. Through her work as the founder and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity, it details the actions and policies needed to reduce and eliminate the conditions that are harming us all...."
Call Number: Level 3: Open Reserve RA418. C66 (2021) and eBookISBN: 9781421441153Publication Date: 2021
Cultural Competence and Health
Complementary, alternative, and integrative health: A multicultural perspective by
ISBN: 9781118880333Publication Date: 2016Specific chapters on complementary, alternative, & integrative health (CAIH) approaches for the following populations:
African Americans, American Indians & Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians/ Pacific Islanders, etc.Cultural competence in health education and health promotion by
Call Number: RA418.5.T73 C853 2021ISBN: 9781118450161Publication Date: 2021Health care systems around the world by
ISBN: 9781452203126Publication Date: 2013"...[E]xamines major aspects of health care systems for over 190 countries worldwide. In a consistent format, ten major health care categories are systematically examined for each country: 1. Emergency Health Services; 2. Costs of Hospitalization; 3. Costs of Drugs; 4. Major Health Issues; 5. Government Role in Health Care; 6. Insurance; 7. Access to Health Care; 8. Health Care Facilities; 9. Health Care Personnel (doctor level of training, etc.); and 10. Public Health Programs. "Health Disparities in the United States by
Call Number: Open Reserve RA418.3.U6 B37 2019Donald A. Barr provides extensive new data about the ways low socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity interact to create and perpetuate health disparities. Examining the significance of this gulf for the medical community and society at large, Barr offers potential policy- and physician-based solutions for reducing health inequity in the long term.Health promotion in multicultural populations: A handbook for practitioners and students by
Call Number: Available online and in printISBN: 9781452276960Publication Date: 2015Includes chapters on the following populations:
Hispanic/Latino, Black Americans,
American Indian & Alaska Native Populations, Asian American, Arab American, and Pacific Islanders.Immigration as a social determinant of health: Proceedings of a workshop
Call Number: eBookPublication Date: 2018Massachusetts General Hospital textbook on diversity and cultural sensitivity in mental health by
ISBN: 9783030201746Publication Date: 2019Updated edition. "The second section of the book moves from the broader subjects to the needs of specific populations, including Native Americans, Latinos, Asians, African American, Middle Eastern, Refugee and LGBQT communities.?Mental Health Practice with Immigrant and Refugee Youth by Nearly 70 million people today are refugees or forcibly-displaced migrants. More than half of them are children suffering from the effects of dislocation and violence. This book provides a framework to guide mental health providers who work with refugees and immigrants. The authors describe the unique needs and challenges of serving these populations, and offer concrete steps for providing evidence-based, culturally-responsive care. Using the socioecological model, the authors conceptualize the developing child as living within concentric circles that include family, school, neighborhood, and society, embedded within a cultural context. Mental health providers identify and provide targeted support to combat disruptions within any or all of these ecological layers. Chapters examine the complex ways in which culture impacts the refugee experience, barriers to engagement in mental health practice and strategies for overcoming them, assessment, collaborative and integrated mental health interventions, and efforts to increase resilience in children, families, and communities. The book is an essential guide for mental health providers, and all who seek to help children in need.
Call Number: RJ507.R44 E45 2020Multicultural America by "... provides a fascinating picture of the lives of immigrants from 50 countries who have contributed substantially to the diversity of the United States, exploring all aspects of the immigrants' lives in the old world as well as the new. Each essay explains why these people have come to the United States, how they have adjusted to and integrated into American society, and what portends for their future.
ISBN: 9780313357879Publication Date: 2011Multicultural approaches to health and wellness in America (Volume 1: Key issues and medical systems) by
Call Number: RA776.9 .M85 2014 vol.1ISBN: 9781440803499Publication Date: 2014Chapter titles included in Volume 1 are:
Health disparities and immigrants; Health disparities among Latina/os; and Native American medicine: The implications of history and the embodiment of culture. Other chapters discuss Mexican American medicine, curanderismo, yoga, and complementary and alternative medicine.Multicultural approaches to health and wellness in America (Volume 2: Mental health and mind-body connectionsKey issues and medical systems) by
Call Number: RA776.9 .M85 2014 vol.2ISBN: 9781440803499Publication Date: 2014Chapter titles included in Volume 1 are:
Mental health assessment among ethnic minorities in the United States; Latina/os; Islamic healing approaches....; Health and wellness of sexual and gender minorities; and Suicide across cultures.Multicultural health by
Call Number: Marriott Open Reserve (Level 3) RA418.5.T73 R48 2017ISBN: 9781284021028Publication Date: 2017Fully updated and expanded, the Second Edition of Multicultural Health serves as a comprehensive guide for healthcare workers in any cultural community. Focusing on differences in cultural beliefs about health and illness, and models for cross-cultural health and communication, this text helps students and professionals learn effective ways to implement health promotion programs and program evaluation across cultures.The Oxford handbook of acculturation and health by
Call Number: RA448.5 I44 O94 2017ISBN: 9780190215217Publication Date: 2017"...In this important volume, the work of landmark acculturation theorists and methodologists come together to showcase applied epidemiologic and intervention work on the issues facing acculturation and public health today.Edited by Seth J. Schwartz and Jennifer B. Unger, this Handbook is divided into two important parts for readers. Part one features chapters that are dedicated to theoretical and methodological work on acculturation,[and] including definitional issues,...The second part focuses on the links between acculturation and various health outcomes, such as obesity, physical activity, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health, delinquency, and suicide.Notably, because a majority of the research on acculturation and health has been conducted on Hispanic immigration, this volume contextualizes that research and offers readers compelling insight for how to apply these principles to other immigrant groups in the United States and around the world."Transcultural Nursing by
Call Number: RT86.54 T73ISBN: 9780323695541Publication Date: 2021"...Based on Giger and Davidhizer's unique transcultural model, this text helps you design culturally sensitive care with use of the six key aspects of cultural assessment: communication, time, space, social organization, environmental control, and biologic variations. Written by nursing educators Joyce Newman Giger and Linda G. Haddad,... UPDATED! Cultural chapters are completely revised to reflect the shifting experiences of cultural groups in our society."
Specific Populations and Health
All My Relations: Understanding the Experiences of Native Americans with Disabilities by Native Americans suffer disproportionately from many social and health disparities. High rates of poverty, exposure to environmental toxins, and various forms of violence all increase the risk of health problems, including disabilities, yet there is very little published scholarship concerning Native American experiences with disabilities. In collecting contributions on various aspects of disability in Native American populations in one volume, this book seeks to redress this lack of attention. Writing about regions of the United States, Canada, and Australia, and spanning a diverse range of settings from remote rural areas, to reservations, to college campuses, the authors are attentive to the impact of specific environments on their inhabitants. Taking into account both physical and social environment, and recognizing the importance of cultural context, this book is a good starting point for anyone interested in developing a better understanding of the experience of Native peoples living with disabilities. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation.
Call Number: E98.H35 A45 2018Publication Date: 2018Battling over Birth by "Battling Over Birth: Black Women and the Maternal Health Care Crisis" is a critical and timely resource for understanding black women's birthing experiences in the United States, a country where black women's lives--and the lives they create--are at much greater risk of death and injury than those of non-black women, the BWBJ researchers have woven a multi-faceted tapestry that reflects what black women view as important and central to optimal birth experiences. Their recommendations for improving care and outcomes are grounded in black women's authoritative direction that black women think we should go to ensure they have safe, healthy, and satisfying birth experiences and outcomes. We need to listen and act.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2017Being and Becoming Ute by
Call Number: E99.U8 J66 2019Sondra Jones traces the metamorphosis of the Ute people from a society of small, interrelated bands of mobile hunter-gatherers to sovereign, dependent nations--modern tribes who run extensive business enterprises and government services. Weaving together the history of all Ute groups--in Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico--the narrative describes their traditional culture, including the many facets that have continued to define them as a people. Jones emphasizes how the Utes adapted over four centuries and details events, conflicts, trade, and social interactions with non-Utes and non-Indians. Neither a portrait of a people frozen in a past time and place nor a tragedy in which vanishing Indians sank into oppressed oblivion, the history of the Ute people is dynamic and evolving. While it includes misfortune, injustice, and struggle, it reveals the adaptability and resilience of an American Indian people.- Bhutanese refugee women's lived reproductive health experience in Salt Lake City, Utah byPublication Date: 2014Honors Thesis
This research project focused on family planning and reproductive health care access among Bhutanese refugees in Salt Lake City, Utah. Four questions guided this study: (1) What contraceptive methods do female Bhutanese refugees use to control fertility/space births? (2) What reproductive health care barriers do these women experience? (3) How do these women navigate their reproductive health care barriers? (4) What recommendations do these women have for improving reproductive health care access? Bosnian refugees in Chicago: Gender, performance, and post-war economies by Bosnian Refugees in Chicago: Gender, Performance, and Post-War Economies studies refugee migration through the experiences of survivors of the 1990s wars in former Yugoslavia as they rebuild home, family, and social lives in the wake of their displacement. Ana Croegaert explores post-1970s Yugoslav-era socialism, American neoliberal capitalism, and anti-Muslim geopolitics to examine women's varied perspectives on their postwar lives in the United States. Based on more than a decade of fieldwork, Croegaert takes readers into staged performances, coffee rituals, protests, memorials, homes, and non-governmental organizations to shine a light on the pressures women contend with in their efforts to make a living and to narrate their wartime injuries. Ultimately, Croegaert argues that refugee women insist on understanding their wartime losses as simultaneously social and material, a form of personhood she labels "injured life." At a time of mass displacement and heated political debates concerning refugees, Croegaert provides an engaging portrait of a lively and diverse group of women whose opinions on citizenship and belonging are needed now more than ever.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2022Braiding Sweetgrass by
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2015As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. Drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, and as a woman, Kimmerer shows how other living beings--asters and goldenrod, strawberries and squash, salamanders, algae, and sweetgrass--offer us gifts and lessons, even if we've forgotten how to hear their voices.Cardiovascular Disease in Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations by
Call Number: eBookPublication Date: 2022-09-30The book discusses the impact of genetics, social determinants of health, the environment, and lifestyle in the burden of cardiometabolic conditions in African American and Hispanic/Latinx populations. It includes fully updated and revised chapters on genetics and CVD risk, epidemiology of cardiovascular health, cardiovascular imaging, dyslipidemias and other emerging risk factors, obesity and metabolic syndrome, heart failure, and genetic variations in CVD. Unique aspects within African American and Hispanic/Latinx populations are explored with suggested appropriate therapeutic interventions. New chapters focus on ASCVD risk assessment, emerging precision medicine concepts, the impact of diabetes, resilience and CVD survival, and lifestyle and dieting considerations. Written by a team of experts, the book examines the degree to which biomedical and scientific literature can clarify the impact of genetic variation and environment on cardiovascular disease. The Second Edition of Cardiovascular Disease in Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations is an essential resource for physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students in cardiology, internal medicine, family medicine, clinical lipidology, and epidemiology.Caring for and understanding Latinx patients in health care settings by This concise and instructive guide outlines the specific challenges faced by the Latinx population in US health care, including language barriers, unfamiliarity with the medical system, lack of insurance, access issues, monetary factors, and most importantly the fears surrounding undocumented immigrants. It shows how health care professionals and chaplains can support and care for this population in a way that acknowledges and understands the distinct characteristics of Latinx culture. It offers advice on sensitives within this culture, such as health disparities, the importance of the family, and spirituality and religion in Latinx culture. This inclusive guide improves cultural competency among non-Latinx care staff and offers case studies and practical tips to input straight into practice.
ISBN: 9781784508500Publication Date: 2020Collaborative and Indigenous Mental Health Therapy by This book examines a collaboration between traditional Māori healing and clinical psychiatry. Comprised of transcribed interviews and detailed meditations on practice, it demonstrates how bicultural partnership frameworks can augment mental health treatment by balancing local imperatives with sound and careful psychiatric care. In the first chapter, Māori healer Wiremu NiaNia outlines the key concepts that underpin his worldview and work. He then discusses the social, historical, and cultural context of his relationship with Allister Bush, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. The main body of the book comprises chapters that each recount the story of one young person and their family's experience of Māori healing from three or more points of view: those of the psychiatrist, the Māori healer and the young person and other family members who participated in and experienced the healing. With a foreword by Sir Mason Durie, this book is essential reading for psychologists, social workers, nurses, therapists, psychiatrists, and students interested in bicultural studies.
Call Number: RA790.7.N7 N53 2017Publication Date: 2017Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health in Canada: Beyond the social by "This edited collection, comprised largely of contributions by Indigenous authors, offers the voices and expertise of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis writers from across Canada. The multitude of health determinants of Indigenous peoples are considered in a selection of chapters that range from scholarly papers by research experts in the field, to reflective essays by Indigenous leaders."
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2018Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities by Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities offers concrete guidelines and evidence-based best practices for addressing racial inequities and biases in clinical care. In this edited volume, three leading experts in race, mental health, and contextual behavior science explore the urgent problem of racial inequities and biases, which often prevent people of color from seeking mental health services--leading to poor outcomes if and when they do receive treatment. In this much-needed resource, you'll find evidence-based recommendations for addressing problems at multiple levels, and best practices for compassionately and effectively helping clients across a range of cultural groups and settings.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2019The Ethics of Everyday Medicine: Explorations of Justice by Ethics of Everyday Medicine examines and analyses the relatively unexplored domain of ethics involved in the everyday practice of medicine. From the author's clinical experience, virtually every decision made in the day-to-day practice of medicine is fundamentally an ethical question, as virtually every decision hinge on some value judgment that goes beyond the medical facts of the matter. The book offers an overview of the current health care ecosystem and the ethical questions posed by divergent interests Includes cases for ethical analysis of common medical practice; proposes a framework for ethical decision making in the clinical setting; and provides critical analysis of Reflective Equilibrium and ethical induction from the perspective of logic and statistics
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2020Fighting Invisible Enemies: health and medical transitions among Southern California Indians by Native Americans long resisted Western medicine--but had less power to resist the threat posed by Western diseases. And so, as the Office of Indian Affairs reluctantly entered the business of health and medicine, Native peoples reluctantly began to allow Western medicine into their communities. Fighting Invisible Enemies traces this transition among inhabitants of the Mission Indian Agency of Southern California from the late nineteenth through the mid-twentieth century. What historian Clifford E. Trafzer describes is not so much a transition from one practice to another as a gradual incorporation of Western medicine into Indian medical practices. Melding indigenous and medical history specific to Southern California, his book combines statistical information and documents from the federal government with the oral narratives of several tribes. Many of these oral histories--detailing traditional beliefs about disease causation, medical practices, and treatment--are unique to this work, the product of the author's close and trusted relationships with tribal elders. Trafzer examines the years of interaction that transpired before Native people allowed elements of Western medicine and health care into their lives, homes, and communities. Among the factors he cites as impelling the change were settler-borne diseases, the negative effects of federal Indian policies, and the sincere desire of both Indians and agency doctors and nurses to combat the spread of disease. Here we see how, unlike many encounters between Indians and non-Indians in Southern California, this cooperative effort proved positive and constructive, resulting in fewer deaths from infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis. The first study of its kind, Trafzer's work fills gaps in Native American, medical, and Southern California history. It informs our understanding of the working relationship between indigenous and Western medical traditions and practices as it continues to develop today.
Call Number: E78.C15 T734 2019Publication Date: 2019Health and Social Issues of Native American Women by This book serves as a much-needed source of information on the social and health issues that impact the health of Native American women in the United States, accompanied by invaluable historical, cultural, and other contextual data about this sociocultural group. Health and Social Issues of Native American Women is the first book that specifically explores and discusses health and related social issues within the world of Native American women, providing strong historical and cultural perspectives as well as other contextual information that is often missing or misrepresented in other works about Native American women. Comprising contributions from mostly Native American women scholars, the work presents key background information on native women's health, health care delivery systems, and sociocultural history, and its chapters address the changing role of native women in Alaska and other parts of Indian country. Each author taps her specific area of expertise and knowledge to spotlight specific native women's health problems, such as nutrition, aging, domestic violence, diabetes, and substance abuse.
Call Number: E98.W8 H43 2012Publication Date: 2012Health of South Asians in the United States by Leading scholars and practitioners come together in this contributed volume to present the most current evidence on cutting edge health issues for South Asian Americans, the fastest growing Asian American population. The book spans a variety of health topics while examining disparities and special health needs for this population. Subjects discussed include: cancer, obesity, HIV/AIDS, women's health, LGBTQ health and mental health. Health of South Asians in the United States presents research-based recommendations to help determine priorities for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, education, and policies which will optimize the health and well-being of South Asian American communities in the United States. Although aimed at both students, healthcare professionals and policy makers, this book will prove to be useful to anyone interested in the health and well-being of the South Asian communities in the United States.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2017The Healthy Ancestor: Embodied Inequality and the Revitalization of Native Hawai'ian Healt by Native Americans, researchers increasingly worry, are disproportionately victims of epidemics and poor health because they OC failOCO to seek medical care, are OC non-compliantOCO patients, or OC lack immunityOCO enjoyed by the OC mainstreamOCO population. Challenging this dominant approach to indigenous health, Juliet McMullin shows how it masks more fundamental inequalities that become literally embodied in Native Americans, shifting blame from unequal social relations to biology, individual behavior, and cultural or personal deficiencies. Weaving a complex story of Native HawaiOCOian health in its historical, political, and cultural context, she shows how traditional practices that integrated relationships of caring for the land, the body, and the ancestors are being revitalized both on the islands and in the indigenous diaspora. For the fields of medical anthropology, public health, nursing, epidemiology, and indigenous studies, McMullinOCOs important book offers models for more effective and culturally appropriate approaches to building healthy communities.
Call Number: ARC Click Request: Eccles Collection Marriott Library WA 300 AH3 M478h 201ISBN: 9781598747423Publication Date: 2010Ho'i Hou Ka Mauli Ola: Pathways to Native Hawaiian Health by This pioneering collection highlights the historic, groundbreaking, and fascinating work done by doctors, researchers, and healthcare providers to improve the life of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. The relevance of their work impacts all of us regardless of ethnicity because the discoveries made in the search for solutions to health problems, cures to diseases, and improvements to healthcare benefit all who call Hawaiʻi, as well as the broader Pacific, home. The majority of the thirty-three contributors are affiliated with the Department of Native Hawaiian Health of the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and represent many disciplines, strategies, and programs whose research, findings, and projects are built on the contributions of pioneers in medicine and healthcare in Hawaiʻi. As such, this book is dedicated to the late Richard Kekuni Blaisdell and includes an interview with him, bringing to the fore his essential voice on Native Hawaiian health. Mauli means life, heart, spirit, our essential nature. Ola means well-being, healthy. "Hoʻi hou ka mauli ola," or, bringing back the state of vibrant health, is the chief objective and the passion of the contributors. In addition to interviews, the volume includes historical information, personal narratives, mele oli, research findings, and descriptions of community programs.
Call Number: RA448.5.H38 H65 2017ISBN: 9780824872731Publication Date: 2017Indigenous public health: improvement through community-engaged interventions by
Call Number: RA448.5.I5 I53 2022ISBN: 9780813195841Publication Date: 2022Insane: America's Criminal Treatment of Mental Illness by An urgent exposure of the mental health crisis in our courts, jails, and prisons. America has made mental illness a crime. Jails in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago each house more people with mental illnesses than any hospital. As many as half of all people in America's jails and prisons have a psychiatric disorder. One in four fatal police shootings involves a person with such disorders. In this revelatory book, journalist Alisa Roth goes deep inside the criminal justice system to show how and why it has become a warehouse where inmates are denied proper treatment, abused, and punished in ways that make them sicker.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2018An Introduction to Indigenous Health and Healthcare in Canada by Note to Readers: Publisher does not guarantee quality or access to any included digital components if book is purchased through a third-party seller. First edition named a 2013 PROSE Award Winner in Nursing and Allied Health Sciences This textbook for Canadian nursing and allied health students explores the major health issues of Indigenous populations and how to improve their overall health. The second edition addresses a key development since the first edition was published: an increasing consensus among Indigenous peoples that their health is tied to environmental determinants, both physical and philosophical. This text describes what is distinctive about Indigenous approaches to health and healing and why it should be studied as a discrete field. It provides a framework for professionals to approach Indigenous clients in a way that both respects the client's worldview while retaining a professional epistemology. Grounded in the concepts of cultural sensitivity, competency, and safety--yet filled with practical information--this book integrates historical, social, and clinical approaches illuminated by concrete examples from the field and relevant case studies.New to the Second Edition: Delivers thoroughly updated content, statistics, and coverage of political developments since 2013Includes a complete test bank of multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions in each chapterProvides sample PowerPoint presentation lectures in each chapterKey Features: Authored by a leading researcher and educator in First Nations and Inuit healthServes as the only up-to-date text on Indigenous health in CanadaEnhances learning with chapter objectives, critical thinking exercises, abundant primary source material, and references
Call Number: RA395.C2 D68 2022Publication Date: 2020Invisible visits: Black middle-class women in the American healthcare system by lthough the United States spends almost one-fifth of all its resources on funding healthcare, the American system is dogged by persistent inequities in the treatment of racial and ethnic minorities and women. Invisible Visits analyzes how Black women navigate the complexities of dealing with doctors in this environment. It challenges the idea that race and gender discrimination, particularly in healthcare settings, is a thing of the past. In telling the stories of Black women who are middle class, Invisible Visits also questions the persistent myth that discrimination only affects racial minorities who are poor. In so doing, Invisible Visits expands our understanding of how Black middle-class women are treated when they go to the doctor and why they continue to face inequities in securing proper medical care. The book also analyzes the strategies Black women use to fight for the best treatment and the toll that these adaptations take on their health. Invisible Visits shines a light on how women perceive the persistently negative stereotypes that follow them into the exam room and makes the bold claim that simply providing more cultural competency or anti-bias training to doctors is insufficient to overcome the problem. For Americans to really address these challenges, we must first reckon with how deeply embedded discrimination is in our prized institutions, including healthcare. Invisible Visits tells the story of Black women in their own words and forces us to consider their experiences in the context of America’s fraught history of structural discrimination.
Call Number: RA564.86 .S23 2019Publication Date: 2019The Lhotsampa People of Bhutan by
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2016This book provides insight into one of the world's quietest human rights abuses. The story of the Lhotsampa people of Bhutan describes their journey of coping and resilience, incorporating qualitative research undertaken in the refugee camps in Nepal and resettlement areas in Australia and elsewhere in the world.Men’s Health Equity: A Handbook by Worldwide, men have more opportunities, privileges, and power, yet they also have shorter life expectancies than women. Why is this? Why are there stark differences in the burden of disease, quality of life, and length of life amongst men, by race, ethnicity, (dis)ability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, rurality, and national context? Why is this a largely unexplored area of research? Men's Health Equity is the first volume to describe men's health equity as a field of study that emerged from gaps in and between research on men's health and health inequities.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2019Mexican Americans and health: Sana! sana! by
Call Number: Level 1: General Collection/Level 3:Open Reserve RA448.5.M4 T67 2015ISBN: 9780816531578Publication Date: 2015This updated editioin examines" recent developments in health care and policy [of a] steadily increasing population of people of Mexican origin in the United States."Narratives of victimhood and perpetration: The struggle of Bosnian and Rwandan diaspora communities in the United States by The book concentrates on the construction of the trans-generational understanding of the labels of victim and perpetrator in contemporary society, investigating their impact on the diasporic consciousness of Rwandan and Bosnian communities in the United States, as well as their political participation and involvement. The book challenges the common assumption that the notion of trauma belongs almost exclusively to the victim, often leaving descendants of the perpetrator ignored and blamed through multiple generations. The comprehensive analysis in this book is rooted in both the author's experience as a survivor of genocide and her deep understanding of the various social and political dynamics that shape the lives of immigrant communities.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2021New and emerging issues in Latinx health by This volume is being published at a critical time in U.S. history and serves as a comprehensive and much-needed update to what is known about Latinx health. As both the United States and Latinx subgroups experience demographic shifts, it is critical to examine the current epidemiology of Latinx health, as well as the factors influencing the health and well-being of this growing population. Chapters in this book, written by highly respected experts, illuminate the diversity of the Latinx population and provide strategies to mitigate many of the challenges they face, including challenges related to migrating to new destinations. The book is designed to enrich dialogue around the multilevel determinants of Latinx health and concludes with a call to action for increased culturally congruent, theoretically informed and participatory Latinx health research. A selection of the perspectives included among the chapters: Chronic disease and mental health issues in Latinx populations; Substance use among Latinx adolescents in the United States; Physical and intellectual and developmental disabilities in Latinx populations; Health insurance reform and the Latinx population; Immigration enforcement policies and Latinx health; Research priorities for Latinx sexual and gender minorities; Racial and ethnic discrimination, intersectionality, acculturation, and Latinx health. New and Emerging Issues in Latinx Health is an invaluable compendium that provides a foundation of understanding Latinx health and well-being and guides future research and practice.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2020The Political Determinants of Health by
Call Number: RA395.A3 D39 2020Publication Date: 2020Dawes argues that political determinants of health create the social drivers--including poor environmental conditions, inadequate transportation, unsafe neighborhoods, and lack of healthy food options--that affect all other dynamics of health. By understanding these determinants, their origins, and their impact on the equitable distribution of opportunities and resources, we will be better equipped to develop and implement actionable solutions to close the health gap. A thought-provoking and evocative account that considers both the policies we think of as "health policy" and those that we don't, The Political Determinants of Health provides a novel, multidisciplinary framework for addressing the systemic barriers preventing the United States from becoming the healthiest nation in the world.A Refugee's Journey from Bhutan by
Call Number: Juvenile Collection 305.9069 B2514rebISBN: 9780778746843Publication Date: 2018After 9 years in a refugee camp in Nepal, Amita remembers very little of her homeland, Bhutan. At two years old, she was forced to flee her country when her family was targeted because of their Nepalese heritage. When the camp becomes an unsafe place for Amita and her family to live, they make the difficult decision to seek a permanent home in a new country. Interspersed with facts about Bhutan and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.Refugee mental health by This book is an in-depth practical guide for mental health practitioners working across diverse theoretical orientations to provide mental health services tailored to the needs of refugees. These needs are felt more keenly than ever as displaced populations continue to grow. Refugees often experience high rates of psychological distress, and appropriate mental health care services remain severely underdeveloped. Chapters in this edited volume outline research-supported psychological interventions that can be used in a culturally sensitive manner. They cover important topics like cultural humility, issues in screening and assessments, and specific ethical dilemmas when working with refugees. The book explores the ways in which Western interventions such as cognitive behavior therapy, group therapy, expressive therapy, and school-based programs have been adapted to serve resettled refugee populations. Strengths and limitations of these approaches as well as recommendations for incorporating more holistic frameworks in practice are discussed, providing mental health professionals with a better understanding of the psychological issues associated with the refugee experience and best practices for treatment.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2021Reproduction on the Reservation: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Colonialism in the Long Twentieth Century by
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2019"This pathbreaking book documents the transformation of reproductive practices and politics on Indian reservations from the late nineteenth century to the present, integrating a localized history of childbearing, motherhood, and activism on the Crow Reservation in Montana with an analysis of trends affecting Indigenous women more broadly. As Brianna Theobald illustrates, the federal government and local authorities have long sought to control Indigenous families and women's reproduction, using tactics such as coercive sterilization and removal of Indigenous children into the white foster care system. ...."Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Wellbeing by
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2019"The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Wellbeing consists of five themes, namely, physical, social and emotional, economic, cultural and spiritual, and subjective wellbeing. It fills a substantial gap in the current literature on the wellbeing of Indigenous people and communities around the world. This handbook sheds new light on understanding Indigenous wellbeing and its determinants, and aids in the development and implementation of more appropriate policies, as better evidence-informed policymaking will lead to better outcomes for Indigenous populations. ..."The Royal Semi-Authoritarian Democracy of Bhutan by Bhutan represents a political system which coalesces the rhetorical acquiescence of democracy with illiberal authoritarian attributes under the former royalist shadow. The camouflage of this kind of authoritarian regime is not yet a democracy but is instead a new form of semi-authoritarian "Jigmecracy"; an old Jigme system with new labels.
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2015Rural Health Disparities by
Call Number: Online eBookPublication Date: 2019This innovative resource offers a unique, multidisciplinary approach for the utilization of planning theory to eliminate health disparities in rural communities. The book provides tools in the public health, policy, and planning disciplines to help resolve significant differences in life expectancy and quality of life in these communities, concluding with a progressive vision for alleviating geographical health disparities on a local, national, and global scale.The Scalpel and the Silver Bear by The first Navajo woman surgeon combines western medicine and traditional healing. A spellbinding journey between two worlds, this remarkable book describes surgeon Lori Arviso Alvord's struggles to bring modern medicine to the Navajo reservation in Gallup, New Mexico--and to bring the values of her people to a medical care system in danger of losing its heart. Dr. Alvord left a dusty reservation in New Mexico for Stanford University Medical School, becoming the first Navajo woman surgeon. Rising above the odds presented by her own culture and the male-dominated world of surgeons, she returned to the reservation to find a new challenge. In dramatic encounters, Dr. Alvord witnessed the power of belief to influence health, for good or for ill. She came to merge the latest breakthroughs of medical science with the ancient tribal paths to recovery and wellness, following the Navajo philosophy of a balanced and harmonious life, called Walking in Beauty. And now, in bringing these principles to the world of medicine, The Scalpel and the Silver Bear joins those few rare works, such as Healing and the Mind, whose ideas have changed medical practices-and our understanding of the world.
Call Number: RD27.35.A45 A3 2000Publication Date: 2000
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