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Other Guides of Interest

Within the Marriott Library Subject Guides and How-To Guides, you might find the guides for several disciplines useful to broaden your research.


Random Movement/Polmuadi/

Hi! I've created this course guide specifically to help you in your explorations to research and write your Modern Dance thesis. In this guide, I've provided links to find books about dance, biographies & encyclopedia entries about dancers & dance companies, magazine & journal articles, images & videos, and more! I'll also show you how to locate unpublished academic sources, such as dissertations and theses, and how to accurately cite your source materials.

The resources marked with the "block U" in this guide are provided through a subscription paid, in part or entirely, by Marriott Library. They require an active uNID account for off-campus use.

Please, feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or want to make suggestions for additions and corrections to this guide.

Greg Hatch (, Head of Fine Arts & Architecture Library 

Dance Librarian

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Greg Hatch
Office: MLIB 2200J
Office Hours: Schedule a one-hour consultation.
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