Title: Course Materials Refresher
Description: Learn more about how to use our Course Materials system here at the library
Location: [Redacted]
Duration: 0 days 1 hour 0 minutes
Buffer time (Toggled on):
Before: 0 hours 15 minutes
After: 0 hours 15 minutes
Price: Free
Maximum number of attendees: 1
Let customers manage their appointment if it was booked by you or your staff on their behalf (Toggled on)
Time increments: 10 minutes
Minimum lead time: 12 hours
Maximum lead time: 365 days
Availability: (Drop down) Bookable when staff are free
Allow customers to choose a particular staff for booking (Toggled off)
(Selected) Customer email Required (Toggled on)
(Not selected) Phone number
(Not selected) Customer address
(Selected) Customer notes Required (Toggled off)
(Selected) Affiliation [Drop down question with options of Undergraduate student, Graduate student, Faculty/staff, Community member, Other]
(Selected) Where did you learn about scheduling a library research consultation? For example, an in-class presentation, my professor, a flyer, from the circulation desk, etc. [Open text answer question]
(Selected) Notify the business via email when a booking is created or changed
(Selected) Send a meeting invite to the customer, in addition to the confirmation email
Timing: 1 hour before
Send to: Customer
Message: Quick reminder, we are meeting today in one hour! Looking forward to seeing you!
Publishing option: Show this service on the booking page (Toggled on)
Title: Virtual Quick Research Consultation
Description: Get started with learning how to make the most of your university library!
Location: Microsoft Teams
Add online meeting (Toggled on)
Send anonymous meeting link to customers (Selected)
Duration: 0 days 0 hours 30 minutes
Buffer time (Toggled on)
Before: 0 hour 15 minutes
After: 0 hour 15 minutes
Price: Free
Maximum number of attendees: 1
Time increments: 10 minutes
Minimum lead time: 2 hours
Maximum lead time: 365 days
General availability option selected "Bookable when staff are free"
Customer information:
(Selected) Customer email Required (Toggled on)
Custom fields:
(Selected) Affiliation [Drop down question with options of Undergraduate student, Graduate student, Faculty/staff, Community member, Other]
(Selected) What would you like to discuss during your research consultation (It's okay to say don't know) [Open text question] Required (Toggled on)
(Selected) Where did you learn about scheduling a library research consultation? For example, an in-class presentation, my professor, a flyer, from the circulation desk, etc. [Open text answer question]
(Selected) Notify the business via email when a booking is created or changed
(Selected) Send a meeting invite to the customer, in addition to the confirmation email
Timing: 1 hour before
Send to: Customer
Message: Quick reminder, we are meeting today in one hour! Looking forward to seeing you!
Timing: 15 minutes after
Send to: Customer
Thank you for meeting up with me!
The library is always looking to improve our services and we would love your feedback. Please complete this short survey to let me know how I did:
[Survey link]
Thank you so much!