United States Government Information: Government Information Databases Available from the Marriott Library
A basic guide to government information research at the Marrriott Library.
Government Information Databases Available from the Marriott Library
- CIA Wold FactbookFor each of the over 250 included countries, map and flag, geographic, population, government, economic, communication, transportation, military, and transnational issue information is provided. Updated periodically throughout the year
- Code of Federal Regulations - govinfoThe official online version of the Code of Federal Regulations maintained by the United States Government Publishing Office. Previous annual editions of the CFR are available back to 1996.
- CQ ResearcherOften the best source for background information about legislation.
- The Federal Register"The daily journal for the United States Government." In searchable electronic format back to 1994 at this website, and back to 1936 in the HeinOnline Database, available at http://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?collection=fedreg&set_as_cursor=clear .
- Government Periodicals IndexThe Government Periodicals Index provides indexing and links to full-text articles from over 300 periodicals published by agencies and departments of the United States federal government. Subjects covered by this database include diplomacy and foreign relations, health and public safety, military organizations, labor, law and justice, agriculture, education, census and demographics, public lands, game reserves, national parks, and more.
- Hein OnlineHeinOnline is a database of searchable full-text content from several library collections: the Law Journal Library, the Federal Register Library, the Treaties and Agreements Library, Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S, and the U.S. Supreme Court Library. Coverage extends from the 18th century to the present, and varies by collection.
- Historical Statistics of the United StatesPrint copy located in Marriott Library LVL 2: Ready Reference Knowledge Commons HA202 .H57 2006 vol. 1-5
- PAIS InternationalThis database is a bibliographic index of public policy, social policy, and social sciences literature. Materials indexed by the database include journal articles, books, government documents, statistical compilations, committee reports, directories, serials, reports of public, intergovernmental, and private organizations, and other forms of printed literature from around the world. Access also is available to the archive, which covers 1915-1976.
- Proquest Congressional PublicationsProQuest Congressional Publications provides access to historical and current Congressional information and publications on many aspects of legislation dealing with life and public policy. The collection includes selected full-text records for Congressional Committee Prints, House and Senate Documents and Reports, Hearings, and Legislative Histories. It also provides member and committee information and political news, as well as access to the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, and the Congressional Record. Topics include scientific undertakings, historical events, social welfare, economic conditions, communication policies, and many others.
- ProQuest Legislative InsightAccess to tens of thousands of legislative histories covering laws from 1929 to the present.
- ProQuest Regulatory InsightOffers U.S. federal administrative law histories for the period 1936-2016 organized by federal statute and Executive Order.
- TRAIL: Technical Report Archive & Image LibraryA project of the Greater Western Library Alliance: Reports prior to 1975.
- United Nations Official Documents SystemThe Official Documents System, which became operational in 1993, has two goals. One is to bring all UN duty stations (such as regional commissions) online, and the other to expand coverage retrospectively to 1946 and to consolidate access to all documents issued by the UN. Currently, the ODS contains close to 800,000 files and approximately 100,000 new documents are added each year. Older documents are also added on a daily basis. In addition to the two archival collections located at the UN libraries in New York and Geneva, respectively, the ODS will, in the future, serve as the electronic archive of the UN documents.
- United Nations Treaty CollectionA collection of United Nations international treaty materials including the United Nations Treaty Series, the League of Nations Treaty Series, and the Status of Multi-Lateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General.
- United States Congressional Biographical Data from ICPSRThe data provide information on congressional service and selected biographical characteristics for each person who had served in the United States Congress in the period 1789-1996.
- USPTO Patent Public Search Tool This link opens in a new windowProvides access to granted and published applications. Full document text may be searched on U.S. patents issued since 1971 and OCR text from 1920 to 1970. U. S. patent images from 1790 to the present may be retrieved for viewing or printing. Published applications can be searched from 2001-present. Newly granted patents are published every Tuesday.
Subject Specialist, DOCMAPS CIT Chair

Shane Wallace