Microsoft Word 2013 Basics: Working With Text
This guide explains the Microsoft Word 2007 program and describes how to navigate as well as use the basic features. The guide includes exercises that will enable the user to find the tools and features that have been either moved or changed from 2003.
Text Basics
Most text editing is performed while using the Home Ribbon. This Ribbon contains most of the standard text editing tools and will allow the user to create almost any kind of document in this setting. The sections of the Home Ribbon are:
- Clipboard-This is where text can be copied or cut from either an existing document or from another source and stored here.The clipboard will allow the user to re-use copied or cut text in another part of the document or in an entirely new document.
- Font-This is the main control center for text in Word. When text is highlighted it will show the current font name, the font size, text color, and other modifications to the text such as Bold or Italics.
- Paragraph-This group tab holds the features and options that can be used to change how paragraphs in a document are formatted. There are options for indentation, borders, sorting, and more available in this tab.
- Styles-Word comes with many pre-designed styles for documents. By selecting a style it will contain all of the font, color, paragraph, etc. settings for the document and it will completely change any sections that have been highlighted.
- Editing-The Find, Replace, and Select commands are available in this group tab. These commands are different in that they are "global", or they will usually take effect throughout the entire document, not just sections of text that are highlighted.