Intro to Dance Research: Preliminary Resources

Find Encyclopedia Articles

Encyclopedia articles are an excellent way to quickly learn the basic information about your research topic, providing you with the terminology and names you'll need for further research.

We have hundreds of encyclopedias in print editions on topics ranging from American Art to Zombies! To find them:

  1. Go to Usearch, the library catalog
  2. Search for: Encyclopedias AND topic
  3. Replace  topic  with a term or phrase describing your general research interest. For example: Encyclopedias AND Social Dance
  4. If needed, limit your results using the Resource Type and Subject options in the right-side column.
  5. If you see a link under the title that says "Available At" or "Checked Out," the encyclopedia is available in print. If you see a link for "Online Access," it's available as an e-book.

Find Biographies

Find Biographies in Books

Use the library catalog's Advanced Search mode. Search for the phrase biography AND name, where name is an actual person’s name, to find books about that person. You can replace the word  name  with the terms choreographers or dancers  for broader results.

Find Biographies in Databases

Handbooks: Overviews of Dance Topics

Dance Organizations

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library