Salt Lake Architecture Bibliography: Ogden Union Station
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Primary Sources
- Grand Opening: Ogden Union Station byCall Number: OE. - OGZ Marriott Library Special Collections Lvl 4 Vertical FilesNewspaper clippings from the grand opening
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Secondary Sources
- Railway Reflections: a Historical review of Utah Railroads byCall Number: HE2771.U7 B46 1999 Lvl 4 Marriott Library Special Collections
- Ogden Station EphemeraCall Number: OE. - OGZ. Lvl 4 Marrriott Library Special Collections
Ogden Union Station
Ogden Union Station, Ogden, Utah, 2008 / Ogden Union Station / Photo available on Flickr
- Ogden rails : a history of railroads in Ogden, Utah from 1869 to today byCall Number: HE2781.O37 S73 1997 MArriott Library Special Collections Lvl 4