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Selected Books on SAS
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Epub ISBN# 978-1-62959-381-4
Mobi ISBN# 978-1-62959-382-1
PDF ISBN# 978-1-62959-380-7
Hardcopy ISBN# 978-1-61290-886-1
Pages 250

The Little SAS® Book: A Primer, Fifth Edition
Lora D. Delwiche, Susan J. Slaughter
Epub ISBN# 978-1-61290-400-9
Mobi ISBN# 978-1-61290-945-5
PDF ISBN# 978-1-62959-013-4
Hardcopy ISBN# 978-1-61290-343-9
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Learning SAS® by Example: A Programmer's Guide
Ron Cody
Epub ISBN# 978-1-59994-426-5
Mobi ISBN# 978-1-61290-946-2
PDF ISBN# 978-1-62959-014-1
Hardcopy ISBN# 978-1-59994-165-3
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Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS® 9.4
Publisher: SAS Institute
Copyright Date: July 2013
The PDF file of this book can be found at:
Longitudinal Data and SAS®: A Programmer's Guide
Ron Cody
Epub ISBN# 978-1-62959-249-7
Mobi ISBN# 978-1-62959-248-0
PDF ISBN# 978-1-62959-247-3
Hardcopy ISBN# 978-1-58025-924-8
Pages 208
We want to thank the Instructional Services Librarian and Scholarly Commons Co-Coordinator at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Merinda Kaye Hensley, who granted permission to use their lib-guide templates.
In addition, University of Utah Professor Oakley E. Gordon, Ph.D. from the Psychology department, for allowing us to modify and display handouts from his Psy 5250/6250 class (Applied Statistics).
Finally, we'd like to thank Toni Yungai for developing this subject guide.