- University of Utah
- ULibraries Research Guides
- * Marriott Library Research Guides
- SAS Support
- Simple Descriptive Statistics
SAS Support
Part 1 (Proc Print, Proc Contents, Proc Means)
Using SAS Procedures
This handout covers the use of SAS procedures to get simple descriptive statistics and to carry out a few basic statistical tests, using two data sets: the March data, and the Business data. The procedures introduced are:
- Proc Print
- Proc Contents
- Proc Means
- Proc Freq
- Proc Boxplot
- Proc Univariate
- Proc Gplot
Check the SAS Procedures Guide or SAS online documentation for more information about these procedures.
Creating the March Data Set:
Commands to read the raw data file, MARFLT.DAT, using a data step are shown below:
data marflt;
infile "marflt.dat";
input flight 1-3
@4 date mmddyy6.
@10 time time5.
orig $ 15-17
dest $ 18-20
@21 miles comma5.
mail 26-29
freight 30-33
boarded 34-36
transfer 37-39
nonrev 40-42
deplane 43-45
capacity 46-48;
format date mmddyy10. time time5. miles comma5.;
label flight="Flight number"
orig ="
dest ="
Alternatively, you can import the Excel file, MARCH.XLS, by using the SAS Import Wizard, or by using Proc Import commands, as shown below:
Note: if you use the data step commands to read in the raw data, the variables will not have any labels, but if you import the data from Excel, SAS will give each variable a label that corresponds to the name of the variable on the first row of the Excel file.
Proc Print:
Proc Print can be used to view a SAS data set. Proc Print is named somewhat deceptively, because it does not actually send data to a printer, but simply lists the values of each variable in the output window. To get a listing of all cases and all variables in a data set, use the following syntax:
proc print;
By default, Proc Print will list values for the most recently created SAS data set. However, to be more specific, you can tell SAS the data set that you wish to have printed by using the data = option in the proc print statement, as shown below. This option is highly recommended.
proc print data = march;
To list the first 10 observations in the data set, use the (obs= ) data set option, immediately following the data set name.
proc print data = march(obs=10);
The cases that are listed can be restricted by using combinations of the firstobs= and obs= data set options. The firstobs= data set option tells SAS the first observation in the data set to process. The obs= data set option tells SAS the last observation to process. To list observations 182 through 185, the following commands could be used.
proc print data = march(firstobs=182 obs=185);
182 921 09MAR1990 17:11 LGA DFW 1383 284 150 88 6 6 99 180
183 302 09MAR1990 20:22 LGA WAS 229 454 631 106 21 5 112 180
184 431 09MAR1990 18:50 LGA LAX 2475 373 339 142 14 4 160 210
185 308 09MAR1990 21:06 LGA ORD 740 371 408 135 15 3 147 210
The variables that are printed in proc print can be restricted by giving a variable list in a var statement after the proc print statement. Variables will be printed in the order they are listed, and the order need not follow the order of the variables in the data set. Some examples of listing variables are shown below:
proc print data=march;
var date depart orig dest miles;
proc print data=march;
var date -- miles;
To get a listing of the values in a data set with the variable labels (if any) displayed, use the label option:
proc print data = march label;
var date -- miles;
To get a listing of a data set without the observation numbers, use the noobs option:
proc print data = march label noobs;
var date -- miles;
Proc Contents:
This procedure gives information on a SAS data set, including the name of the data set, the number of observations, the names of variables, the type of each variable (numeric-num or character-char), and any labels or formats that have been assigned to variables. By default, the variables are listed in alphabetic order. The position of each variable in the data set is listed in the # column of the output. If the data set has been sorted, information about the sorting variable(s) is also displayed. A simple example of Proc Contents is shown in the example below.
proc contents data = march;
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name WORK.MARCH Observations 635
Member Type DATA Variables 13
Engine V9 Indexes 0
Created Friday, August 18, 2006 06:03:28 PM Observation Length 96
Last Modified Friday, August 18, 2006 06:03:28 PM Deleted Observations 0
Protection Compressed NO
Data Set Type Sorted NO
Data Representation WINDOWS_32
Encoding wlatin1 Western (Windows)
Engine/Host Dependent Information
Data Set Page Size 8192
Number of Data Set Pages 8
First Data Page 1
Max Obs per Page 84
Obs in First Data Page 61
Number of Data Set Repairs 0
File Name C:\DOCUME~1\kwelch\LOCALS~1\Temp\SAS Temporary
Release Created 9.0101M3
Host Created XP_PRO
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
# Variable Type Len Format Label
9 boarded Num 8
13 capacity Num 8
2 date Num 8 MMDDYY10.
12 deplane Num 8
5 dest Char 3 Destination City
1 flight Num 8 Flight number
8 freight Num 8
7 mail Num 8
6 miles Num 8 COMMA5.
11 nonrev Num 8
4 orig Char 3 Origination City
3 time Num 8 TIME5.
10 transfer Num 8
If you wish to get a list of variables in numeric order, use the varnum option:
proc contents data = march varnum;
These commands list the variables in the format shown below:
Variables in Creation Order
# Variable Type Len Format Label
1 flight Num 8 Flight number
2 date Num 8 MMDDYY10.
3 time Num 8 TIME5.
4 orig Char 3 Origination City
5 dest Char 3 Destination City
6 miles Num 8 COMMA5.
7 mail Num 8
8 freight Num 8
9 boarded Num 8
10 transfer Num 8
11 nonrev Num 8
12 deplane Num 8
13 capacity Num 8
Proc Means:
This procedure generates simple descriptive statistics for numeric variables in a SAS data set. The following syntax is the simplest version of Proc Means. By default it produces descriptive statistics for all numeric variables in the most recently created data set, in the order in which they were originally entered. The default statistics produced are the n, mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum.
proc means;
Getting Descriptive Statistics for Selected Variables
SAS will give descriptive statistics for all numeric variables in the data set by default. To get descriptive statistics for specific variables, list them, separated by blanks. SAS will display the variables in the order that you specify.
proc means data = march;
var mail freight boarded transfer nonrev deplane;
You can also use a variable list, as shown below:
proc means data = march;
var mail -- deplane;
The MEANS Procedure
Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
mail 634 381.0031546 74.6288128 195.0000000 622.0000000
freight 634 333.9511041 98.1122248 21.0000000 631.0000000
boarded 633 132.3570300 43.4883098 13.0000000 241.0000000
transfer 635 14.4062992 5.3362008 0 29.0000000
nonrev 635 4.1133858 1.9243731 0 9.0000000
deplane 635 146.7842520 45.4289656 18.0000000 250.0000000
Getting Descriptive Statistics for Groups of Cases Using the Class Statement:
Proc Means can produce statistics for subgroups of cases by using a CLASS statement. The data do not need to be sorted to have this method work. SAS will produce one output table with separate statistics for each destination (DEST). Partial output is shown below the commands.
proc means data = march;
class dest;
The MEANS Procedure
Destination N
City Obs Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum
CPH 27 flight Flight number 27 387.0000000 0 387.0000000
date 27 11031.93 9.2691628 11017.00
time 27 42000.00 0 42000.00
miles 27 3856.00 0 3856.00
mail 26 401.3846154 78.6359088 271.0000000
freight 27 331.3703704 96.0361103 71.0000000
boarded 27 132.1851852 24.4383637 81.0000000
transfer 27 14.1851852 5.2185839 5.0000000
nonrev 27 4.0740741 1.8589891 1.0000000
deplane 27 150.4444444 24.9728057 103.0000000
capacity 27 250.0000000 0 250.0000000
DFW 62 flight Flight number 62 951.5000000 30.7489837 921.0000000
date 62 11032.00 9.0172876 11017.00
time 62 49770.00 12188.70 37680.00
miles 62 1383.00 0 1383.00
mail 62 370.3870968 84.2615668 195.0000000
freight 62 338.0806452 101.1148184 132.0000000
boarded 61 107.0491803 32.4491532 31.0000000
transfer 62 14.8870968 5.4203770 5.0000000
nonrev 62 4.2741935 1.9432047 0
deplane 62 116.3225806 33.6587378 35.0000000
capacity 62 180.0000000 0 180.0000000
FRA 27 flight Flight number 27 622.0000000 0 622.0000000
date 27 11031.93 9.2691628 11017.00
time 27 44340.00 0 44340.00
miles 27 3857.00 0 3857.00
mail 27 375.3703704 88.8447861 239.0000000
freight 26 333.8076923 95.1146757 175.0000000
boarded 27 178.1111111 27.4202807 110.0000000
transfer 27 13.3333333 5.8572769 0
nonrev 27 4.4814815 1.5284575 2.0000000
deplane 27 195.9259259 28.1478595 135.0000000
capacity 27 250.0000000 0 250.0000000
LAX 123 flight Flight number 123 464.2032520 271.7639393 114.0000000
date 123 11032.07 8.9879152 11017.00
time 123 46186.34 15015.08 25800.00
miles 123 2475.00 0 2475.00
You can use more than one variable in the class statement, as in the example below. SAS will produce one block of output for each date, and for each destination within a date. Be careful that you don’t produce too much output with this!
proc means data = march n mean min max;
class date dest;
Getting Additional Statistics from Proc Means:
Additional statistics can be requested by the use of keywords in the proc statement. The list below shows the statistics that can be requested from Proc Means.
N: Number of nonmissing cases.
NMISS: Number of missing cases.
MEAN: Sample mean.
MEDIAN: 50th percentile
Also available: P1, P5, P10, P25, P75, P90, P95,P99
STD: Standard deviation
MIN: Minimum value.
MAX: Maximum value.
RANGE: Range of values.
SUM: Sum of all values.
VAR: Variance.
USS: Uncorrected Sum of Squares.
CSS: Corrected Sum of Squares.
CV: Coefficient of variation.
STDERR: Standard error of the mean.
T: student's t statistic for testing if the population mean
is equal to zero.
PRT: The p-value of the t-statistic testing whether the
population mean is zero.
SUMWGT: The sum of the weights. If there are no sample weights,
then SUMWGT=N (the number of non-missing cases).
SKEWNESS: Skewness.
KURTOSIS: Kurtosis.
CLM: Two-sided confidence limit for the mean.
95% CI is the default.
LCLM: Lower one-sided confidence limit for the mean.
95% one-sided CI is the default.
UCLM: Upper one-sided confidence limit for the mean.
95% one-sided CI is the default.
Any number of statistics can be requested. You must list all statistics that are desired, because the defaults will no longer be in effect once you begin listing statistics to display. Here are some examples of using Proc Means, with selected statistics being requested:
proc means data = march n mean min max skewness kurtosis;
var boarded transfer;
The following commands will produce a 95% 2-sided confidence limit for the mean of the variables BOARDED and TRANSFER.
proc means data = march n mean clm;
var boarded transfer;
The MEANS Procedure
Lower 95% Upper 95%
Variable N Mean CL for Mean CL for Mean
boarded 633 132.3570300 128.9627219 135.7513382
transfer 635 14.4062992 13.9904621 14.8221363
To produce a 99% 2-sided confidence limit use the alpha= option.
proc means data = march n mean clm alpha=.01;
var boarded transfer;
Part 2 (Proc Freq, Proc Boxplot)
Proc Freq:
This procedure produces frequency tables for either character or numeric variables, and can also produce cross-tabulations of two variables, as well as calculate many statistics for two-way tables. Note: this procedure is most useful for categorical variables with not too many categories. In general it is not recommended that this procedure be used for continuous variables that can have many possible values, which may generate a great deal of output.
Oneway frequencies:
The example below shows how to produce oneway frequency tables.
proc freq data = march;
tables date dest;
The FREQ Procedure
Cumulative Cumulative
date Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
03/01/1990 21 3.31 21 3.31
03/02/1990 21 3.31 42 6.62
03/03/1990 21 3.31 63 9.94
03/04/1990 21 3.31 84 13.25
03/05/1990 20 3.15 104 16.40
03/06/1990 18 2.84 122 19.24
. . .
03/27/1990 18 2.84 550 86.75
03/28/1990 21 3.31 571 90.06
03/29/1990 21 3.31 592 93.38
03/30/1990 21 3.31 613 96.69
03/31/1990 21 3.31 634 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Cumulative Cumulative
dest Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
CPH 27 4.26 27 4.26
DFW 62 9.78 89 14.04
FRA 27 4.26 116 18.30
LAX 123 19.40 239 37.70
LON 58 9.15 297 46.85
ORD 92 14.51 389 61.36
PAR 27 4.26 416 65.62
PRD 1 0.16 417 65.77
QAS 1 0.16 418 65.93
WAS 154 24.29 572 90.22
YYZ 62 9.78 634 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Two-Way Cross-Tabulations:
Two-way frequency tables, or cross-tabulations, can also be generated by listing 2 variables with an asterisk (*) between them. List the row variable first, followed by the column variable. To illustrate cross-tabulations, we use the SAS data set SASDATA2.BUSINESS. We first submit a libname statement to define the library where the data set is stored.
libname sasdata2 “c:\ emp\sasdata2”;
proc freq data = sasdata2.business;
tables industry * nation;
INDUSTRY(Industry) NATION(Nationality)
Frequency |
Percent |
Row Pct |
Col Pct |Britain |France |Germany |Japan |U.S. | Total
Automobiles | 2 | 3 | 6 | 14 | 7 | 32
| 1.57 | 2.36 | 4.72 | 11.02 | 5.51 | 25.20
| 6.25 | 9.38 | 18.75 | 43.75 | 21.88 |
| 12.50 | 30.00 | 75.00 | 32.56 | 14.00 |
Electronics | 1 | 3 | 1 | 12 | 11 | 28
| 0.79 | 2.36 | 0.79 | 9.45 | 8.66 | 22.05
| 3.57 | 10.71 | 3.57 | 42.86 | 39.29 |
| 6.25 | 30.00 | 12.50 | 27.91 | 22.00 |
Food | 11 | 2 | 0 | 11 | 19 | 43
| 8.66 | 1.57 | 0.00 | 8.66 | 14.96 | 33.86
| 25.58 | 4.65 | 0.00 | 25.58 | 44.19 |
| 68.75 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 25.58 | 38.00 |
Oil | 2 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 13 | 24
| 1.57 | 1.57 | 0.79 | 4.72 | 10.24 | 18.90
| 8.33 | 8.33 | 4.17 | 25.00 | 54.17 |
| 12.50 | 20.00 | 12.50 | 13.95 | 26.00 |
Total 16 10 8 43 50 127
12.60 7.87 6.30 33.86 39.37 100.00
By default, Proc Freq produces a frequency table with the count (Frequency) in each cell, the total percent (Percent, which adds to 100% across all cells in the table), the row percent (Row Pct, which adds to 100% across a given row), and column percent (Col Pct, which adds to 100% down a given column). To omit any of these items, specify options in the tables statement, as shown below:
proc freq data = sasdata2.business;
tables industry * nation/ norow nocol nopercent;
INDUSTRY(Industry) NATION(Nationality)
Frequency |Britain |France |Germany |Japan |U.S. | Total
Automobiles | 2 | 3 | 6 | 14 | 7 | 32
Electronics | 1 | 3 | 1 | 12 | 11 | 28
Food | 11 | 2 | 0 | 11 | 19 | 43
Oil | 2 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 13 | 24
Total 16 10 8 43 50 127
You can use the list option after a slash to get the output as a list, rather than in a table.
proc freq data = sasdata2.business;
tables industry * nation/ list;
The FREQ Procedure
Cumulative Cumulative
INDUSTRY NATION Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Automobiles Japan 14 11.02 25 19.69
Electronics Japan 12 9.45 49 38.58
Food Japan 11 8.66 84 66.14
Oil Japan 6 4.72 114 89.76
Proc Boxplot:
This procedure produces side-by-side box and whisker plots for a continuous variable, displayed for each level of a categorical variable. The data set must first be sorted by the categorical variable. The syntax to produce a box plot is shown below. The plot statement first lists the continuous variable you wish to display, the second variable after the * is the categorical variable that will form the X-Axis categories.
proc sort data = sasdata2.business;
by industry;
proc boxplot data = sasdata2.business;
plot sales * industry ;
By default, the characteristics of the box plot are as follows (modified from the SAS 9.1 documentation):
- The length of the box represents the interquartile range (the distance between the 25th and the 75th percentiles).
- The plus inside the box represents the mean of the continuous variable.
- The horizontal line inside the box represents the median of the continuous variable.
- The vertical lines at the top and bottom of the box extend to the minimum and maximum values of the continuous variable.
You can change the display, so that SAS shows outliers in the graph, by using the boxstyle=schematic option.
proc boxplot data = sasdata2.business;
plot sales * industry /boxstyle=schematic;
For further options for Proc Boxplot, see the SAS online documentation at:
Part 3 (Proc Univariate, Proc Gplot)
Proc Univariate:
This procedure is useful for getting in-depth numeric descriptions and graphical information on the distribution of a continuous numeric variable. Proc Univariate by default generates simple descriptive statistics, information on selected quantiles (e.g., the median, 5th, 25th , 75th, and 95th percentiles), and one-sample tests of H0: m=0, including a one-sample t-test, sign test and one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test. It can also produce simple text-based graphics, including a box-plot, a stem-and-leaf plot or histogram, and a normal q-q plot, and publication-quality graphics. Simple syntax to invoke Proc Univariate and the default output are shown below:
proc univariate data = march;
var boarded;
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: boarded
N 633 Sum Weights 633
Mean 132.35703 Sum Observations 83782
Std Deviation 43.4883098 Variance 1891.23309
Skewness -0.171214 Kurtosis -0.5806126
Uncorrected SS 12284396 Corrected SS 1195259.31
Coeff Variation 32.856819 Std Error Mean 1.72850513
Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 132.3570 Std Deviation 43.48831
Median 136.0000 Variance 1891
Mode 88.0000 Range 228.00000
Interquartile Range 66.00000
Tests for Location: Mu0=0
Test -Statistic- -----p Value------
Student's t t 76.57312 Pr > |t| <.0001
Sign M 316.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 100330.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001
Quantiles (Definition 5)
Quantile Estimate
100% Max 241
99% 223
95% 199
90% 188
75% Q3 165
50% Median 136
25% Q1 99
10% 75
5% 58
1% 34
0% Min 13
Extreme Observations
----Lowest---- ----Highest---
Value Obs Value Obs
13 96 225 561
14 633 229 231
21 508 232 67
25 448 232 339
30 91 241 126
Missing Values
-----Percent Of-----
Missing Missing
Value Count All Obs Obs
. 2 0.31 100.00
Proc Univariate displays the values of the five highest and five lowest cases by default. If you wish these values to be identified by the value of a particular variable, use the ID statement. Only the first 8 characters of an ID variable will be displayed in the output. Note, in the output below, all five of the lowest values of PULSE2 were for subjects with RAN=2 (Didn’t run), while the five highest values were for subjects with RAN=1 (Ran).
proc univariate data = march;
var boarded;
id dest;
Extreme Observations
--------Lowest------- -------Highest-------
Value dest Obs Value dest Obs
13 WAS 96 225 FRA 561
14 WAS 633 229 LON 231
21 WAS 508 232 LON 67
25 WAS 448 232 LON 339
30 WAS 91 241 LON 126
To get text-based graphics, including a box plot and histogram or stem and leaf plot, depending on the sample size (for smaller samples, SAS produces a stem and leaf plot, for larger samples, a histogram is produced), use the plot option. The histogram statement will cause SAS to produce a graphics-based histogram in the graph window. The qqplot statement will produce a normal qplot that can be used to compare the distribution of a variable to that of a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation (mu=est sigma=est). These commands will produce all the descriptive statistics shown above, plus text-based graphs in the output window, and high-quality graphs in the SAS/Graph window:
proc univariate data = march plot;
qqplot / normal(mu=est sigma=est);
var boarded;
The text-based graphs are shown on this page, while the high-quality graphics are on the following page:
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: boarded
Histogram # Boxplot
245+* 1 |
.* 2 |
.** 4 |
.*** 6 |
.********* 17 |
.*************** 30 |
.**************** 32 |
.********************** 43 |
.*************************** 54 +-----+
.***************************** 57 | |
.************************** 51 | |
.*********************** 45 *--+--*
.******************** 40 | |
.************************** 52 | |
.******************* 38 | |
.************************* 49 +-----+
.**************** 31 |
.*************** 29 |
.********** 19 |
.******** 16 |
.**** 7 |
.*** 6 |
.* 2 |
15+* 2 |
* may represent up to 2 counts
Normal Probability Plot
245+ *
| ++*
| ++***
| +++***
| +****
| ****
| ***
| ***
| ****
| ***+
| ***+
| ***
| ***
| ***
| ***
| ***
| +***
| ****
| ***
| ****
| **+
| ***
-2 -1 0 +1 +2
Proc Univariate can also be used with a class statement to produce descriptive statistics for numeric variables across levels of a categorical variable. The following syntax shows how to get information for the variable BOARDED, for each destination:
proc univariate data = march plot;
class dest;
qqplot / normal(mu=est sigma=est);
var boarded;
Proc Gplot:
This procedure is used to produce publication-quality bivariate scatter plots. One or more plot statements are given to tell SAS the two variables that are to be plotted. Give the goptions statement prior to running the plots to set up the output for your printer. The option target=winprtm indicates a monochrome printer, use target = winprtg for a grayscale printer and target=winprtc for a color printer. Use the quit statement to stop Proc Gplot.
goptions reset=all;
goptions device=win target=winprtm;
proc gplot data = sasdata2.business;
plot sales*employs;
run; quit;
To produce a plot using given plotting symbols, use symbol statements:
symbol1 color=black value = dot;
proc gplot data = sasdata2.business;
plot sales*employs;
run; quit;
To get different plotting symbols for different groups of cases, use syntax similar to that shown below:
goptions reset=all;
goptions device=win target=winprtm;
proc gplot data = sasdata2.business;
plot sales*employs = industry;
run; quit;
Regression lines can be added to the plot by using symbol statements, with interpol=rl for a linear regression interpolation.
goptions reset=all;
goptions device=win target=winprtm;
symbol1 color=black value=star interpol=rl line=1;
symbol2 color=black value=dot interpol=rl line=2;
symbol3 color=black value=circle interpol=rl line=3;
symbol4 color=black value=triangle interpol=rl line=4;
proc gplot data = sasdata2.business;
plot sales*employs = industry;
run; quit;
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