- University of Utah
- ULibraries Research Guides
- * Marriott Library Research Guides
- SAS Support
- Merging & Appending Data Sets
SAS Support
How to handle multiple data sets?
- Add more observations to an existing data and the new observations follow the same data structure as the old one è append
- Add more variables to an existing data and the new variables refer to the same subjects as in the old data è merge
- Sometimes we may need to change data structure to fit in append or merge ….
Merge two data sets
Data set 1:
proj3rawdata3: year state totalpop … fracuninsured newgrp popgrp
2009 MA 6420947 … 0.0548 1 high
Date set 2:
summary1: newgrp popgrp avguninsured avgfracuninsured
1 high 7500000 0.073
proc sort data=proj3rawdata3;
by newgrp popgrp;
proc sort data=summary1;
by newgrp popgrp;
data merged;
merge proj3rawdata3 (in=one) summary1 (in=two);
by newgrp popgrp;
if one=1 & two=1;
Append two data sets
data appended;
set proj3rawdata3 summary1;
proc print data=appended;
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