Environmental and Sustainability Studies
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Sustainable Development and the Environment
Environmental and Sustainability Studies is an interdisciplinary topic; research resources for this topic can often be found in related disciplines like sociology, anthropology, gender studies, biosciences, engineering, amongst many other disciplines. One of the turning points in the study of sustainability came in 1987 when the World Commission on Environment and Development (related to the UN, but independent of the UN's control) issued the Brundtland Report (also know as "Our Common Future"). The Brundtland Report commission identifies a now key concept in sustainability that: "Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (World Commission on Environment and Development (1987)). The report identified three pillars of sustainable development: economic growth, environmental protection, and social equality.
Take a look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Indicators database, providing information on documented progress towards the UN SDGs Indicators.
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295 South 1500 East #2110
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860
Key Terms and Concepts
- Anthropocene
- Ecosystem Integrity
- The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability
- Futures thinking
- Green Revolution
- Human Dependence on Natural Systems
- Human Development Index
- Millenium Development Goals
- Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
- Relocalization
- Sustainable Development
- Systems Thinking
- Triple Bottom Line
Subject Headings
To locate relevant books in the catalog, copy and paste a term from this list into USearch. These are the "official" ways that works in these topic areas are cataloged. With many thanks to Eric Tans of MSU and his excellent Environmental Science libguide.
Acid rain
Agricultural conservation
Agricultural ecology
Agricultural pollution
Agricultural wastes
Agriculture -- environmental aspects
Air pollution
Alcohol as fuel
Alternative agriculture
Applied ecology
Architecture and climate
Biodiesel fuels
Biodiversity conservation
Biomass energy
Biomass energy industries
Carbon dioxide mitigation
Carbon offsetting
Climatic changes
Coal ash sites
Coastal zone management
Conservation of natural resources
Conservation plants
Conservation projects (Natural resources)
Construction and demolition debris -- Recycling
Contaminated forests
Deep ecology
Deposit-refund systems
Desert conservation
Dwellings -- Energy conservation
Ecological disturbances
Ecological engineering
Ecological houses
Ecological integrity
Ecological landscape design
Ecological regions
Ecological risk assessment
Ecological surveys
Ecology in art
Ecology in literature
Economic development -- environmental aspects
Ecosystem health
Ecosystem management
Emissions trading
Endangered species
Energy conservation
Energy consumption
Energy crops
Energy crops industry
Energy industries
Energy policy
Environmental auditing
Environmental degradation
Environmental disasters
Environmental economics
Environmental education
Environmental engineering
Environmental engineers
Environmental ethics
Environmental forensics
Environmental geography
Environmental geology
Environmental geotechnology
Environmental health
Environmental impact charges
Environmental impact statements
Environmental indicators
Environmental justice
Environmental laboratories
Environmental law
Environmental law--Compliance costs
Environmental libraries
Environmental literature
Environmental management
Environmental mapping
Environmental mediation
Environmental monitoring
Environmental permits
Environmental policy
Environmental protection
Environmental quality
Environmental responsibility
Environmental risk assessment
Environmental sampling
Environmental sciences
Environmental testing
Environmental toxicology
Environmentally induced diseases
Environmentally sensitive areas
Forest biodiversity conservation
Forest degradation
Forest ecology
Fossil fuels -- environmental impacts
Game protection
Global environmental change
Global warming
Green marketing
Green movement
Green technology
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Greenhouse gases
Habitat (Ecology)
Habitat conservation
Hazardous Waste Management Industry
Hazardous Waste Site Remediation
Hazardous waste sites
Hazardous waste treatment facilities
Hazardous wastes
Hazardous wastes -- Environmental aspects -- United States
Hazardous waste sites -- Environmental aspects -- United States
Human beings--Effect of environment on
Human ecology
Human ecology--History
Introduced organisms (Exotic species)
Island ecology
Invasive plants -- Control
Land degradation
Land use
Land use -- planning -- environmental aspects
Land use, Urban
Landscape architecture -- environmental aspects
Landscape protection
Liability for environmental damages
Livestock factories -- Environmental aspects
Marine pollution
Marine resources conservation
Mass media and the environment
Natural disasters -- Environmental aspects
Natural history
Natural resources
Natural resources law and legislation
Nature -- Effect of human beings on
Nature conservation
Ocean thermal power plants
Offenses against the environment
Oil spills
Organic wastes
Organic wastes--Recycling
Organic water pollutants
Ozone layer depletion
Pollution control industry
POLLUTION (use as keyword but not LC subject heading)
Population environmental aspects
Power resources law and legislation
Public lands
Radioactive waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc.
Rain forest ecology
RECYCLING (use as keyword but not LC Subject Heading)
Recycling beverage containers
Refuse and refuse disposal
Refuse as fuel
Renewable energy sources
Renewable natural resources
Restoration ecology
Salvage (Waste, etc.) = Reclaiming and reusing equipment, parts, structures, etc.
Sanitary engineering
Sanitary landfills
Sewage disposal
Sewage disposal in rivers, lakes, etc.
Shore protection
Social ecology = relationship of humans to their sociocultural environment
Soil conservation
Solar energy
Solar heating
Strip mining -- Environmental aspects
Sustainable agriculture
Sustainable architecture
Sustainable buildings
Sustainable development
Sustainable engineering
Sustainable fisheries
Sustainable forestry
Sustainable living
Teenagers and the environment
Transboundary pollution
Transportation environmental aspects
TRASH (use as keyword but not LC Subject heading)
Urban ecology
Volcanism--Effect of environment on
Volunteer workers in environmental education
Waste disposal in the ground
Waste disposal in the ocean
Waste disposal sites
Waste products
Waste products as building materials
Waste products as fuel
Water conservation
Water pollution
Water power
Water quality
Water resource development
Water rights
Water supply
Wetland conservation
Wild animal trade
Wildlife conservation
Wind power
Women and the environment
Women environmentalists