Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Scopus Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and web sources. The database is updated daily and contains over 16,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 4,000 publishers, 1200 Open Access journals, 520 conference proceedings, 650 trade publications, 315 book series, 36 million records, results from 431 million scientific web pages, 23 million patent records from 5 patent offices, "Articles-in-Press" from over 3,000 journals, and links to other full-text articles and library resources.
To get to Scopus:
1. Go to the library homepage at lib.utah.edu and click on the Research Databases tab above the search box.
2. Choose S and then navigate down to Scopus. Click on the title link to enter the database.
3. A screen will open asking you to identify your library affiliation--click the radio button next to J. Willard Marriott Library.
4. Enter your search words in the search box. The asterisk truncates the word you enter, showing you multiple endings of the word. For instance, child* brings back results with child or children. The AND operators tell the database we want to find all of the words in the search string in each result that the database returns.Use the Date Range option to limit to articles published in the last ten years, so that you are getting the most recent materials available. Then, click on the green button to run your search.
6. The database will return a list of search results.
7. Click on the title of each article to see its abstract and additional information. If you would like to find full text, click on the gray Get It button.
8. Once you click on the Get It button, a new box will open with information about which databases have the article in full text. If there is a link below the article information that says "Full Text Available via. . . " then click there. You will be taken to another screen with access to the full text.
9. If you see "No electronic full text available" under the article information, the navigate down and click on the Interlibrary Loan link. FIll out the information for an article request, and we will try to find another library that has the article. You will recieve an email when it is available.