MAXQDA 2022 and 2024

This guide describes how to use the qualitative data analysis software MAXQDA

Coding with a New Code

 Adding new codes. To add a new code to a  segment of a  text document, highlight the section of the document, right click, and choose New Code from the drop-down menu that opens. You can also click on the circle with the plus sign next to it to code a segment with a new code. If you prefer, you can click on the folder icon with a plus sign on it in the Code System window and add new codes there.


Then, a window will open where you can name the code, assign it a color, and add a memo about the code or about the selected segment of text. Once you click OK, your new code will show up next to the segment you coded. 



Your code will also show up in the Code System.


Coding with an Existing Code

You can also reuse codes that you have already created by highlighting the segment that you would like to code, then dragging and dropping it onto the appropriate code in the Code System. You can also drag the code and drop it onto the segment of the document you are coding. If you only have few codes, you can right click and your code may show up in the menu.

Open or in vivo coding

One of your options for coding is to start simply by highlighting pieces of the text, called segments, that interest you, without assigning a formal code. You can mark these quotations and come back later to code them by clicking the In Vivo Coding option. Note: this will mark the segment with the first few words of the text.

Text Search and Autocode

MAXQDA will also let you search for specific text and autocode it. To begin, click on the Analysis menu in the top tool bar, then choose Text Search & Autocode. In the window that opens, enter the word you want to search for in the search box. You can add multiple words to search for if you wish. You have the option of searching in documents, comments, memos, or paraphrases. MAXQDA recommends selecting the Find all word forms (lemma list) option, which will help you find different variations of the word you are searching for. Next, click Run search.

The window that opens will show a variety of segments that have the search term(s) in them. You can double click on any segment and the item with the segment highlighted will show up in the document browser. If you find any segments that you don’t wish to autocode, you can click on the plus sign next to each segment. It will turn into a red dot with a line through it, signifying it will not be coded. Then, click on the Autocode button and choose Autocode Results with Existing Code or Autocode Results with New Code.

If you choose Autocode Results with New Code, another window will open where you can name the code and write a memo about when to use it. You can also decide whether you want to code just the word you searched for, a certain number of words before and after it, the whole sentence, or one or multiple paragraphs.

Coding and Analysis of Videos, Twitter Data, YouTube Data, and Web Pages

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