Rock Climbing
About Special Collections
Our Special Collections contains millions of unique materials. Some of these collections contain climbing-related materials, which are highlighted on this page. To view the materials from our Archives West Finding Aids, please complete this online form - you can either request reproductions (shared digitally) or schedule an in-person appointment to view materials in the Special Collections Reading Room.
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Digital Library's Climbing Collections
These are Special Collections that are available online through the Digital Library.
- Alpenbock Scrapbook - Volume I (UU Digital Library)The Alpenbock Climbing Club was formed between 1958-1959 in Salt Lake City, Utah and dedicated to rock climbing. This collection contains two scrapbooks compiled by members between 1961 and 1987, with most material from the 1960s, that document club activities.
- Alpenbock Scrapbook - Volume II (UU Digital Library)The Alpenbock Climbing Club was formed between 1958-1959 in Salt Lake City, Utah and dedicated to rock climbing. This collection contains two scrapbooks compiled by members between 1961 and 1987, with most material from the 1960s, that document club activities.
- Alpine Mountain Club photos (UU Digital Library)The Alpine Mountain Club was originally formed as a ski club at the University of Utah by Psychology professor Dr. Ernst Beir in 1955. Photographs include skiing and mountain climbing.
- Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project (UU Digital Library)Transcripts and audio from American West Center's oral histories. There are many interviews with climbers and mountaineers within the project, including Peter Gibbs, Leslie Ellison, Kim Miller, John Reid, Dave Smith, Larry and Steve Swanson, Caine Alder, Jerry Anderegg, David George, Alexis Kelner, Larry Love, Brian Smoot, Bob Springmeyer, Jack Turner, Mike Trube and Ebon Robinson, Tarris Webber, Mindy Knoles, Christopher Call, Dennis Berryrieser, Brent Huff, Jared Roth, Ben Folsom and Maura Hahnenberger, Brent Manning, Rick Reese, Paul Horton, Susan Schoer, Cerre Francis, Jonathan Knight, Nathan Smith, Tom Santoro, Cathy Beloeil, Rosie and Clay Cahoon, Collette McInerney, Bill Ohran, Jeff Pedersen, Yvette Young, Noah Bigwood and Kirsten Dockstader, Bill Boyle, James Garrett, Bob Irvine, Misty Murphy, Bob and Jonathan Springeyer, Paul Tusting, Anne Yeagle, Andrew Burr, Nancy Feagin, Tom Kimbrough, Ron Olevsky, Stuart Ruckman, Russell Jacobs, Tyler Philips, Mike White, Zac Robinson, Michael Friedrichs, Lamont Heaps, Neal Carroll, Doug Heinrich, Robert Gilbert, Jessica Taverna, Kirk Nichols, Jeff Lowe, Melissa Moeinvaziri and Christopher Begue, Bill Conrod, Drew Bedford, Ted Wilson, Mike Beck, Dave Bell, Merrill Bitter, Tony Calderone, Gordan Douglass and Mindy Shulak, Clay Watson, Eric Hodge and Nigel Roberts, Alexis Kelner, Joel Bown, Doug Heinrich, and Gale Dick, Mike White, Conrad Anker, John Sugden
- Harold Judd Goodro photos (UU Digital Library)Images of Harold Goodro rock climbing, skiing, and on mountaineering expeditions.
- Rock Climbers Oral History Project (UU Digital Library)More coming soon! Oral histories conducted by Tallie Casucci from September 2022-present.
Climbers include: Adriana Chimaras, Alex Lemieux, Andrea Ramos Campos, Carrie Cooper, Cheryl Pirozzi, Doug Heinrich, Emmeline Wang, Eric DeCaria, George Lowe III, Greg Child, Jacinda Hunter, Jay Smith, Jesse Williams, Jess Powell, Jim Dockery, John Cronin, Jonathan Smoot, Julia Geisler, Justin Wood, Katey Blumenthal, Kitty Calhoun, Lani Tripoli, Larry Coats, Lea Hernandez, Matty Kastellec, Melissa Lipani, Mike Call, Portia Menlove, Priyam Patel, Ron McKay, Ryan Suen, Sarah Wolfe, Steve Downes, Steve Maisch, Steven Jeffery, Victor Copeland, & Zack DiCristino - Salt Lake Climbers Alliance (UU Digital Library)The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance is a non-profit advocacy organization created to promote climbing opportunities, preserve local access and encourage stewardship of the environment. Materials are continuously being added to this collection.
- Wasatch Mountain Club photos (UU Digital Library)Since early 1900s, the Club was organized to provide education and as activity group for those who enjoyed hiking, ski touring, river running, and climbing.
Archives West Finding Aids for Climbing Collections in UU Special Collections
"Archives West offers descriptions of archival and manuscript materials held by participating institutions in the Pacific Northwest and Mountain West. Researchers and the general public can search over 40,000 finding aids to locate collections, then contact repositories directly to access materials." The University of Utah Libraries' finding aids are a located in Archives West.
The collections listed below can be viewed in the Special Collections' Reading Room by appointment or you can request reproductions to view them remotely online. Use this form to request access.
Collections Donated by Individuals
- Dean Perkins papers (Archives West)The Dean Perkins papers (1967-1969) consist of brochures, announcement, and periodical and newspaper advertisements for Perkins Ltd., a retail store located in Ogden, Utah. This store specialized in mountaineering, ski, tennis and everyday clothing and equipment.
- Dean Perkins photos (Archives West)The Dean Perkins photograph collection contains images documenting Dean Perkin's life and family and his career in skiing and in the ski retail industry. A selection of the digital-only images of Perkins Limited catalogs and advertising are available to view on the Marriott Library Digital Library .
- George Lowe III photosIn 2022 George Lowe donated photos of his family, skiing, and mountaineering.
- Harold Judd Goodro photograph collection (Archives West)The Harold Judd Goodro photograph collection consists of images of Harold Goodro rock climbing with his wife, Helen Goodro.
- Helen Clawson Wells photograph collection (Archives West)The Helen Clawson Wells photograph collection contains portraits of Helen Clawson Wells and members of the Clawson family, photographs of Eagle Gate in Salt Lake City, and photographs of an unidentified mountain climbing expedition, circa 1960.
- Jim Dockery PhotosIn 2022 Jim Dockery donated photos that document rock climbing, bouldering, buildering, ice climbing, and mountaineering in Salt Lake City, the US Mountain West, and Canadian Rockies in the 1970-80s.
- Richard D. Wallin papers (Archives West)The Richard D. Wallin papers (1964, 1973) consist of photocopies of a diary entry regarding his experience traversing Wind Rivers, Green River Lakes, and Trail Creek. Also included in the collection are two news clippings; one discusses the Alpen Bock Climbing Club, and the other discusses a mountain rescue crew of the Salt Lake Area.
- Richard F. Ream papers (Archives West)The Richard F. Ream papers consist of photocopied materials regarding articles about climbing Lone Peak, Bell's Tower and The Thumb located in Little Cottonwood Canyon in Utah. Also included is materials about climbing Wind River in Wyoming.
- Richard F. Ream photos (Archives West)Rich Ream (1917-2008) was a photographer who documented his outdoor recreation and sports in the Wasatch and Teton mountains. The Richard F. Ream photograph collection contains images of golfing, camping, hiking, skiing, climbing, and river running in Utah and Wyoming and dates from approximately 1950 to the 1980s.
- Rick Reese mountaineering audio collection (Archives West)The Rick Reese mountaineering audio collection (1980-1996) consists of oral histories of mountaineers once active in Wyoming's Teton Range, including David F. DeLap, Leigh N. Ortenburger, and Paul Petzoldt.
- Rick Reese papers (Archives West)The Rick Reese papers contain a letter from Rick Reese to Jack Newell in which he writes his memories of mountain climbing and details climbs he went on, who was with him and how the sport has changed through the years. Also contains news clippings of rescues in the Grand Tetons.
- Robert L. Springmeyer papers (Archives West)The Robert L. Springmeyer papers (1923-1976) contain correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, convention minutes, ski tournament schedules, ski race results, news clippings, miscellaneous papers, applications, school work, diplomas, announcements, awards and a wooden plaque concerning Robert L. Springmeyer's family life and educational history as well as his involvement in the Utah national Guard, the Cub Scouts, the Salt Lake City Ski Club, and the United States Ski Association. Springmeyer was an architect in Salt Lake City. He also served as director of the Intermountain Division of the United States Ski Association and as vice-president of the United States Ski Association.
- Robert L. Springmeyer photos (Archives West)The Robert L. Springmeyer photograph collection contains images of ski racing and timing, military subject matter, architectural drawings and completed buildings, and snapshots of the Springmeyer family at home and on vacation.
- Ted L. Wilson photograph collection (Archives West)The Ted L. Wilson photograph collection contains portraits of Ted Wilson and photographs of Ted Wilson participating in various activities, many of which were political events while he served as mayor of Salt Lake City.
- Theodore Frederick Major photograph collection (Archives West)This collection contains images and negatives, of the ski areas Alta, Snow Basin, Brighton and Pinedale in the early 1930s and 1940s. This collection also contains images of hikes and climbs made on Mt. Timpanogas, Mt. Ogden, Ben Lomand, as well as The Needles. It also contains images of Bells Canyon, climbing in Little Cottonwood Canyon, avalanche images, as well as the development of the Pinedale Ski Area in Wyoming.
- Victor Copeland papersIn 2022 Victor Copeland donated his three climbing diaries/journals, email documentation of the Wasatch backcountry bouldering area Gman (Guardman Pass), and a "Buildering & Law" article.
Local Outdoor Club Collections
- Alpenbock Climbing Club scrapbook collection (Archives West)The Alpenbock Climbing Club was formed between 1958-1959 in Salt Lake City, Utah and dedicated to rock climbing. The group was involved in the founding of the Salt Lake County Jeep Patrol Mountain Rescue Team, the first formal search and rescue group in the county, and was a proponent of the Leave No Trace movement in climbing. This collection contains two scrapbooks compiled by members between 1961 and 1987, with most material from the 1960s, that document club activity through photographs, clippings, climbing routes, and personal accounts.
- Alpine Mountain Club photograph collection (Archives West)The Alpine Mountain Club was originally formed as a ski club at the University of Utah by Psychology professor Dr. Ernst Beir in 1955. Photographs in the collection detail the various activities engaged in by the group such as skiing and mountain climbing. There are also several prints of group socials and some of the scenery encountered during the expeditions.
- Salt Lake Climbers Alliance (Archives West)The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance records (1989-2018) consist of administrative files, project information and general materials. The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance is a non-profit advocacy organization created to promote climbing opportunities, preserve local access and encourage stewardship of the environment.
- Wasatch Mountain Club photograph collection (Archives West)The Wasatch Mountain Club photograph collection consists of four photo albums containing prints from the early years of the organization and includes photos of group members involved in both winter and summer activities in the Wasatch Mountains. Included are loose photographs on similar subjects. The Club was organized in 1920 to provide an education and activity group for those who enjoyed hiking, ski touring, river running and mountain climbing.
- Wasatch Mountain Club records (Archives West)The Wasatch Mountain Club records (1920-1998) contain financial records, membership lists, activity schedules, newsletters, brochures and pamphlets, summit registers, corresponence, meeting minutes, and ski-related material. The Wasatch Mountain Club was formed in August 1913, and remains in operation. The club supports a broad range of outdoor activities including hiking, ski mountaineering and river running. The club has also been involved with wilderness preservation issues since the 1960s, and continues to provide outdoor opportunities for club members and the public.
- Ute Alpine Club records (Archives West)The Ute Alpine Club records (1959-1981) include a history, constitution, manuals, articles, writings, and other papers regarding the activities of this Utah club. Originally formed as a ski club in 1954, the Ute Alpine Club became known as a club in which members were involved in all types of outdoor activities. As of 1981, unable to compete with other outdoor services, the club focused on advertising its social benefits.
Oral History Collections
- Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project (Archives West)The Everett L. Cooley oral history project is an ongoing oral history program designed to document the history of Utah with the University of Utah's American West Center.
There are many interviews with climbers and mountaineers within the project, including Peter Gibbs, Leslie Ellison, Kim Miller, John Reid, Dave Smith, Larry and Steve Swanson, Caine Alder, Jerry Anderegg, David George, Alexis Kelner, Larry Love, Brian Smoot, Bob Springmeyer, Jack Turner, Mike Trube and Ebon Robinson, Tarris Webber, Mindy Knoles, Christopher Call, Dennis Berryrieser, Brent Huff, Jared Roth, Ben Folsom and Maura Hahnenberger, Brent Manning, Rick Reese, Paul Horton, Susan Schoer, Cerre Francis, Jonathan Knight, Nathan Smith, Tom Santoro, Cathy Beloeil, Rosie and Clay Cahoon, Collette McInerney, Bill Ohran, Jeff Pedersen, Yvette Young, Noah Bigwood and Kirsten Dockstader, Bill Boyle, James Garrett, Bob Irvine, Misty Murphy, Bob and Jonathan Springeyer, Paul Tusting, Anne Yeagle, Andrew Burr, Nancy Feagin, Tom Kimbrough, Ron Olevsky, Stuart Ruckman, Russell Jacobs, Tyler Philips, Mike White, Zac Robinson, Michael Friedrichs, Lamont Heaps, Neal Carroll, Doug Heinrich, Robert Gilbert, Jessica Taverna, Kirk Nichols, Jeff Lowe, Melissa Moeinvaziri and Christopher Begue, Bill Conrod, Drew Bedford, Ted Wilson, Mike Beck, Dave Bell, Merrill Bitter, Tony Calderone, Gordan Douglass and Mindy Shulak, Clay Watson, Eric Hodge and Nigel Roberts, Alexis Kelner, Joel Bown, Doug Heinrich, and Gale Dick, Mike White, Conrad Anker, John Sugden - Peter Edward Gibbs oral history audio recordings (Archives West)The Peter Edward Gibbs oral history audio recordings (2006) consists of an interview with Gibbs, who discusses his life experiences pertaining to climbing, caving, skiing, kayaking, and running rivers. A doctor of mechanical engineering, Gibbs is also an avid outdoorsman and was instrumental in the development of the Gibbs Ascender, an aid for climbers, spelunkers, arborists and rescue workers.
- Davis Bitton oral histories and autobiographies (Archives West)The Davis Bitton oral histories and autobiographies (1966-2005) are a collection of transcripts of oral histories conducted as an assignment for History 110 at the University of Utah. Kent McClannan interviewed Scott Roach. Roach, an instructor in rock climbing and mountaineering at the University of Utah, discusses climbing in the West.
- Rick Reese mountaineering audio collection (Archives West)The Rick Reese mountaineering audio collection (1980-1996) consists of oral histories of mountaineers once active in Wyoming's Teton Range, including David F. DeLap, Leigh N. Ortenburger, and Paul Petzoldt.
- Rock Climbers Oral History ProjectComing soon! Many available in the Digital Library
Ascent Archive Podcast of Oral Histories with Rock Climbers and Mountaineers
Listen to rock climbers' oral histories from our collections on the Ascent Archive Podcast!
Other Outdoor Recreation Collections
Browse UofU and other western state collections here.
Other climbing-related collections at nearby institutions
- Utah State University's Outdoor Recreation ArchiveA historical collection of books, catalogs, periodicals, photographs, and manuscripts documenting the history of outdoor gear. This Archive also includes environmental collections since the early 1970s.
- Utah Division of State HistoryInterested in collecting physical climbing-related items (ropes, hardware, helmets, etc.)