Bibliometrics and Impact Factor: Citation Measures and Tools

This guide explains how impact factor is used and calculated in journal and article rankings, as well as other methods of citation analysis.

Citation Searching with Google Scholar

Keep in mind that Google Scholar includes citations from an array of sources in its cited by calculation, including PowerPoints and Word documents, and gives everything an equal rank.

Google has recently launched Google Scholar Citations, a tool that will allow an author to show their citation metrics over time, including an h-index score and total citation count as determined by Google Scholar's database. "After you identify your articles, we collect citations to them, graph these citations over time, and compute your citation metrics..." A public profile page can also be created.

Google Scholar Search

Databases Useful for Citation Impact and Searching

Databases that measure citation impact with specific tools:

Tools for Measuring Citation Impact

Understanding Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis

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