Bibliometrics and Impact Factor: Managing Your Research Profile
Setting up an ORCID
ORCID is an open source registry that provides each researcher who registers with a unique identifier. This allows the individual to differentiate his or her work from others with similar names. ORCID also allows the researcher to keep track of his or her research by putting the number on documents, like grant manuscripts.
- To set up your ORCID, go to Click on the For Researchers tab and choose Register for an ORCID ID.
- You will be asked to fill in some basic information, including your name and email address. Once you have verified your account, you can sign in, and you will see a page that lists your name and asks you to add additional information to your ORCID. To add your publications, click on the Add Works link and choose the Search & link option.
- On next page, you will see a list of places that you can choose to import information from to your ORCID account. We recommend starting with Scopus to ORCID. Click on the blue title link to begin
- Once you choose this option, Scopus will search your name, and you will be asked to choose the Scopus profile that is yours. You will know because it will have your current and/or prior institutions listed under affiliation and list the subject areas iin which you publish. Select the check box next to you the profile and choose next. Note: You may occasionally have more than one profile to choose if you have used variants of your name when you publish.
- Next, you will be guided through a series of steps that will confirm that Scopus is importing the correct publications for you
- Once you get to the end of these steps, you can check to make sure your ORCID profile is correct or to add additional information by signing in again at Once you have your ORCID ID, people can search for you or you can search for others on the ORCID page, or you can add your ORCID to grant applications or other publications.
- You can also add publications manually by going to your ORCID profile, choosing Add Works and then choosing the Add Manually option.
Creating Your Google Scholar Profile
You can choose to set up your own Google author page here:
- First, you will fill out your personal information and create your profile
- Choose the Add Articles option. Google will pull up publications that it thinks you might have authored. Choose the ones that are yours and choose Add
- If there are other articles that you have authored that you don’t see, you can choose to add them manually by choosing the Add Articles Manually option
- Google will continue to update your profile automatically and will calculate your h-index based on Google results.
Presentation Materials
- Bibliometrics HandoutClick here to review our bibliometrics handout
- Online Identity InventoryClick here to review this online identity inventory created at Virginia Tech and modified by Alfred Mowdood
- Manage Your Scholarly ProfileRATS Presentation on 1/30/18
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Setting up a Web of Science Researcher ID
1.You can also create a Researcher ID or use your ORCID number to track your articles and citations in the Web of Science.
2. First, go to and create your Researcher ID. It will ask you to upload all of your information about your publications.
3. You can integrate this with your ORCID by adding your ORCID to the profile.
Using Mendeley
- Mendeley is a desktop-based client that allows you to manage PDFs that you find and also to download them to your machine, so you will have to download it to your machine. Go to and click the red Create An Account button.
- To build your profile, start by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the screen. Scroll down to the part of your profile that says Publications and click the Add button.
- Then, either drag and drop PDFs of your articles (Mendeley will harvest the metadata) or add entries manually.