Bibliometrics and Impact Factor: Journal Analyzer
This guide explains how impact factor is used and calculated in journal and article rankings, as well as other methods of citation analysis.
- SNIP and SJR Scores- Using Research IndicatorsFreely available here
Caveats to Journal Analyzer
Scopus Journal Analyzer does not have complete citation information for articles published prior to 1996.
Four years of data are necessary to calculate a SJR or SNIP. Because Scopus records data starting in 1996, the first year available for a SJR or SNIP is 1999.
What is the Journal Analyzer?
The Journal Analyzer provides a view of journal performance using Scopus citation data and includes two new journal metrics - SJR and SNIP.
Using citations from nearly 18,000 titles from 5,000 international publishers, the Journal Analyzer goes back to 1996.
Journal Data
Scopus Journal Analyzer will chart:
- SJR (SCImago Journal Rank reflects prestige of source: value of
weighted citations per document) - SNIP (Source normalized impact per paper: corrects for differences
in the frequency of citation across research fields) - Citations (Total number of citations received by a journal in the year,
considering all documents) - Documents (Total number of documents published in the journal in the year)
- % Not Cited (Percentage of documents published in that year that have never
been cited to date)
You can compare up to 10 journals.