LabArchives: Tools and Integrations

New Tools


LabArchives is working towards an integration of REDCap with its Research Platform. The REDCap Project was initiated by Vanderbilt University and is used worldwide. REDCap stands for Research Electronic Data Capture. The University’s instance of REDCap is housed on secure servers at CHPC. REDCap support is provided by the Clinical & Translational Science Institute, CTSI

Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a free-to-use, open-source web application that allows data scientists to create and share documents that integrate live code, equations, computational output, visualizations, and other multimedia resources, along with explanatory text in a single document - Jupyter


SnapGene provides a secure way to plan, visualize, and document your everyday molecular biology procedures - Snapgene

NOTE: In order to use SnapGene you will first need to set up an account.


GraphPad Prism is a commercial scientific 2D graphing and statistics software for Windows and Mac OS desktop computers – Graphpad Prism

Note: For security log-in purposes, only GraphPad Prism v8.02 and higher is supported. To contact the GraphPad team Go to

NOTE: In order to use GraphpadPrism you will first need to set up an account.

Vernier Logger Pro

Logger Pro is a data-collection and analysis software for Windows and Mac computers.

NOTE: In order to use Logger Pro you will first need to set up an account.


Typeset is an alternative to Microsoft Word and LaTeX for writing a research paper. It has templates for over 100,000 journal formats.

NOTE: In order to use Typeset you will first need to set up an account.


Qeios is a platform allowing you to write, have open peer reviews, and publish open-access articles.

NOTE: Qeios is free but you can upgrade for perks

LabArchives Scheduler

LabArchives' Scheduler is a tool introduced by LabArchives in 2020 for scheduling lab time, lab equipment reservations, and meeting rooms. Social distancing was incorporated in response to COVID-19.

NOTE: Scheduler is not a part of the current university license and you will need to purchase it separately to use it.

LabArchives Inventory

Inventory is a tool introduced by LabArchives in 2020 for inventorying lab supplies, specimens, etc.

Also, see information about both Scheduler and Inventory in Knowledgebase

Integrated Tools


When the initial contract was signed, UBox was integrated with LabArchives. UIT oversees Ubox. Files greater than 250MB go directly into UBox. UBox can accept files up to 15GB.

Folder Monitor

Folder Monitor allows for the automated uploading of data from lab instruments into LabArchives.

For Windows

For Mac

Signing Pages

The FDA requires signing,

Revision History

Nothing is ever deleted from LabArchives to ensure complete documentation of all your work.

Working Offline

If you are in a situation, where you will not have internet access you can create an instance of an offline notebook and synchronize it later.

Activity Feed

The Activity Feed is a one-stop spot for seeing your messages and who is doing what work.


What are Widgets?

LabArchives has about 20 built-in widgets for your use.

The Widget Manager

The owner of the notebook and the Administrator can edit widgets to address your specific research.

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