Aileen H. Clyde 20th Century Women's Legacy Archive: Everett L. Cooley oral history project, ACCN 0814

Everett L. Cooley oral history project

The Everett L. Cooley oral history project is an ongoing oral history program designed to document the history of Utah with an emphasis on the interaction between the University of Utah and the local and regional communities.  For further information about this project, please refer to the following collection:

Adams focused on her early years in Paris, Idaho; education, marriage, and public relations work in California; and her post graduate work and career at the University of Utah. Of specific interest is her concern with the development of Student Services and in particular the Women's Resource Center.

Recollections of her husband, Ike Armstrong, his coaching career, and the athletic program at the University of Utah. 1920s-1950s.

Atiya (b. 1917) talked about her family and education in Egypt, her marriage to Aziz Atiya, their life in Egypt and the United States at the University of Michigan, in Washington D.C., and the University of Utah, and her interest in book binding, papermaking, and bead collecting. A second interview was conducted in 1992 following the publication of the Coptic Encyclopedia, which she completed following her husband's death.

Behrend (b. 1954) talks about her life, marriage, study for the ministry, and moving to Salt Lake City for the Unitarian Church.

Belsey deteails her genealogy, recalls her childhood in Illinois, and talks about her education and marriage. Other topics covered include moving to Utah, volunteer work, involvement in the arts and with the Unitarian Church.

Bertilson ( b. 1935) and her daughter, Kathryn (b. 1964) discuss their family life, education and feelings about Unitarianism. Kathryn details her service in the Peace Corps in Honduras, ca. 1986-1988.

Bilger recalls her nursing education in Portland Oregon; Columbia University; Marquette University; and her directorship of the graduate program in nursing at the University of Utah, 1930s-1970s.

Boehme (b. 1946) discusses the history of nursing and midwifery in Utah, 1965-1985.

Bournstein (b. 1928) recalls her Salt Lake City childhood and education, her marriage and subsequent moves. She talks at length about her father, Manny Drucker. Other topics include Sid Fox, Jewish religion and holidays, and broadcasting personalities.

 Gladys Teasdale Bringhurst (b. 1904) has a brief conversation about her grandfather, LDS Church Apostle George Teasdale.

Brockbank (b. 1927) recalls the radio soap operas of her childhood, her early career in radio, and working for KFEL TV in Denver. She worked at KLUB Radio in Salt Lake City for a number of years before moving to California, where she did TV commercials. She also worked in public relations.

Carlisle (b. 1920) recalls her personal and family history; career with the Foreign Service; business career in Salt Lake--particularly her work at Tracy Collins Bank; her involvement in Democratic politics; service in the Utah Legislature, 1970s; and in Women's issues, particularly the ERA.

  •  Nancy Cortez

Cortez was born in Denver, Colorado. When Cortez was 13, she had her professional debut in the Central City Opera as stand-in for an injured dancer. During high school, she was let out of gym class to study and teach dance. Cortez continued to dance during college. She talks about meeting her husband in music class and their shared love of music and dance. Cortez details her love of dance and her many experiences as a dancer.

Creer (b. 1902) recalls her family, personal history, and the career of her husband Leland Creer, who headed the history department at the University of Utah, 1940s-1960s.

Cutler (b. 1904) recalls her education, her family life, and her career at the University of California, as dean of Home Economics at the University of Utah where she developed the Sterling Sill Home Living Center, at Brigham Young University, in Thailand, Ghana, and as a national consumer specialist with the appliance industry.

The Reverend Betty Dalgliesh, affiliated with St. Paul's Episcopal Church, is the wife of Professor W. Harold Dalgliesh, in the University of Utah's Department of History. In this interview, Dalgliesh (b. 1904) talks about the Depression, meeting and marrying Harold, and the subsequent move west to teach at the University of Utah. She talks about her children and grandchildren, her calling as a Priest, and the Episcopalian church.

  • Frances Darger 

Darger (b. 1924) played sixty-nine seasons with the Utah Symphony. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, she grew up in a very musical home with four sisters. Her mother was an opera singer. She learned violin and played in the Stewart School Orchestra, graduating in 1939. A friend of Walker Wallace, Darger attended East High School and then took a bachelor of arts in English from the University of Utah. She joined the Utah State Symphony in 1942, at the age of 17, and talks at some length about her experiences playing in the symphony, along with a brief stint in California, during World War II. She married her high school sweetheart, Bob Darger, after the war, and worked for the Salt Lake Tribune Telegram doing a society page column. Darger remembers Maurice Abravanel’s arrival in the late 1940s and discusses his impact on the Utah Symphony and its growth into a full-time orchestra at some length. Darger performed the Call of the Champions with the Symphony and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at the 2002 Olympic Games, and remembers excellent cooperation between the LDS Church and the Symphony over the years. She also sang in the chorus and traveled around the world both playing and singing. She most fondly remembers playing with Van Cliburn and David Oistrakh in the Symphony’s early years.

Draper (b. 1923) recalls her early life in Ririe, Idaho, her marriage to Delbert Draper, activities with the League of Women Voters and friendship with various Utah Democrats--Scott Matheson, Calvin Rampton, Ted Moss, Wally Sandak and Republican, Norman Bangerter. She discusses her experiences as Director of the Utah Arts Council--1970s-1980s and as a board member for the National Endowment for the Arts, 1980s.

Dunne, a daughter of Virginia Picht, discusses her mother, her childhood in Salt Lake City, and her association with the Unitarian Church.

Durrant (b. 1908) recalls her early life, education, teaching at the University of Utah and the YWCA. She also discusses the teaching career of her husband, Stevan Durrant and happenings in the Biology Department, University of Utah, 1930s-19

Ence (b. 1927) discusses her work with community fundraisers and her position with the University of Utah Alumni Association during the 1960s-1980s.

Ence (b. 1912) recalls her background and her work with and impressions of University of Utah presidents and other administrators, 1950s-1980s.

Evans (b. 1948) discusses her practice of midwifery in Utah.


Evans (b. 1930) recalls her background, her decision to go into nursing and later midwifery, her conflict with physicians, and opening her own practice.


Flowers (b. 1907) recalls her vagabond childhood, settling in Salt Lake--her mother teaching at Rowland Hall, her father--superintendent, Rosenblatt Steel Co. She briefly describes her education, short career as a high school science teacher, her courtship with Seville Flowers, their life together, and her later work at the Marriott Library.


Foster (b. 1936) talks about the history of the nurse midwifery program at the University of Utah. Other topics include her education at UCLA and Yale University, teaching at Yale, coming to Utah to teach at Brigham Young University, procedures at LDS hospital, conflict with the medical community, Mildren Quinn, the Nurse Midwife Practice Act, Madeleine Leininger, the Shiprock program, faculty turnover, candidate selection for nurse midwives, and young mothers program.


Fox (b. 1912), daughter of Mormon church General Authority, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., recalls her work at KSL, writing scripts and performing on the air; other women in radio in Salt Lake City; and her association with the Mormon church shortwave radio station, WRUL, which broadcast world-wide from Boston, 1930s-1940s.

Frobes (b. 1912) recalls her childhood as a non-Mormon in Salt Lake; her attendance at Westminster, then a high school; her work on the undergraduate and graduate levels at the University of Utah; and her career as dean of women, dean of students and vice president of student affairs, University of Utah. She discusses the administrations of Presidents Olpin, and Fletcher and the changes in the student body, 1950s-1970s.


Gardner (b. 1925) recalls her early life and education but spends most of her time discussing the establishment of the Hinckley Institute of Politics by Robert Hinckley, the goals and successes of the Institute under its three directors, J. D. Williams, R. J. Snow, and Ted Wilson.

Geerlings (b. 1904) recalled her early life and education in Holland, Michigan, meeting Jacob Geerlings, and life in Utah as it centered around the University of Utah where he was professor, headed the Classics Department, later he became Dean of the Faculty, 1947-1953, and returned to teaching.

Gogins (b. 1937) recalls her association with the Unitarian church, Salt Lake City, 1960s-1980s; her business career; civic involvement; and her family.

Graf (b. 1947) discusses the history of nursing and midwifery in Utah, 1970s-1980s.

Gray was born in Tynemouth on the northeast corner of England. Her parents, who were avid bird watchers, spent a lot of time gardening and taking her and her brother out into the nature of northern England. This is where she developed a passion for science and nature. Rosemary’s family then moved to Cincinnati, Ohio when she was nine, then moved back to England for two years, then back to Cincinnati for two years, and then to Mexico City. She attended high school in Cincinnati and Mexico City. In Ohio she had a great biology teacher who facilitated her skills as a blossoming biologist. She earned her Master’s in biology at Texas A and M and went to the University of North Carolina to finish her PhD. She worked as a researcher and taught in a minority advancement program. After she had her first child, Rosemary decided she would be able to raise her daughter more easily if she were a teacher because research takes up so much time. She took a job at the University of Utah, and her family moved to Utah. She was hired to be the director of the Bioscience Undergraduate Research Program, but because of another teacher’s accident she was asked to teach biology for the ACCESS Program. The ACCESS Program is a seven week program during the summer designed to help gifted high school girls transition from high school to university. Rosemary loves being able to watch these students develop from high school through their first year of college. She’s able to give them advice about classes, careers, and help them decide what path they want to take. It’s important for Rosemary to help young women have access to scientific study because she believes there is less opportunity for women than for men. This has changed since she started, but there is still work to be done to allow young women more opportunity to have careers in the sciences. She feels she is doing her part to bring about that equality for women. Rosemary describes the details of the ACCESS Program – what the students do, the benefits it creates for their future, the networking and job opportunities it presents young women. It guides students through university and beyond: students learn to apply for jobs and how to write personal statements and resumes, etc. She provides examples of what students have researched and what they’ve gone on to do after taking part in the ACCESS Program.

Greenson recalls her initial impressions of Fawn McKay Brodie and talks about the development of their friendship. Other topics covered include psychoanalysis, Edward Teller, Fawn's reasons for doing the Nixon biography, Brodie's excommunication, and her death.

Haglund (b. 1917) recalls her early life, her work with the National Broadcasting Company, and her career at the University of Utah in Public Relations.

Hair (b. 1919) recalls her family, her education, and her career as a professor of library science and as librarian at the University of Utah, 1940s-1980s.

Harry (b. 1910) discusses her career in the College of Education at the University of Utah, the problems for women in education, and her accomplishments.

Hashimoto (b. 1927) recalls her family. She describes being interned, 1942-1945 in the Granada Relocation Center (later called Amache) in Colorado, attending college one year at Carleton and finishing her degree at North Dakota.

  • Phyllis Haskell-Tims 


Haskell-Tims is a former dean of the College of Fine Arts at the University of Utah. She describes her family and her childhood at Yankee Farm near Santa Barbara, California. She recalls beginning dance lessons at age three with Madame Maria Kedrina who had trained in the Imperial Ballet Company in Russia. She describes performing all through public school and attending the University of Arizona, where she was introduced to modern dance. After college she became a stewardess with American Airlines, moved to New York, and danced before attending the University of Utah graduate school of dance. Other topics include touring and teaching with Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company, her faculty appointments at Arizona State and the University of Hawaii, her return to the University of Utah as chair of the Department of Modern Dance, and her career and subsequent retirement at the University of Utah.

Hayes (b. 1911) recalls her early interest and later education and training in dance and her long career, 1940s-1980s, at the University of Utah where she established modern dance as a major. She discusses several of her students and colleagues at the University, especially Joan Woodbury and Shirley Ririe, and speaks candidly about the difficulties in making the University a center for dance.

Hemmert (b. 1923) recalls her work as a bookkeeper-copywriter at KBRV a radio station in Soda Springs, Idaho, 1950s; later work at KVEL, Vernal, Utah; and her association with the Utah Broadcasters Association of which she served as state president in 1977.

Hinckley (b. 1933) recalls her friendship with Fawn McKay Brodie and her husband Bernard and provides an evaluation of them as a couple, parents, writers and scholars and also discusses her thoughts about Fawn Brodie's relationship to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Irvine recalls the association between her father, John Tolman, and the "father of television," Philo Farnsworth. She also discusses the television patent hearing held in Utah.

J.R. (b. 1922) and Martha (b. 1921) recall their respective families, their Unitarian heritage and long association with the Unitarian Church mainly in Salt Lake City and California.

Kelson (b. 1929), founder and former director of the Phoenix Institute, recalls her youth in Salt Lake City, schooling at the University of Utah, marriage, and community service. She discusses her reasons for founding the Phoenix Institute, an organization devoted to helping women on welfare find and train for nontraditional jobs, and outlines several of their programs. She also talks about how grew out of the activities associated with the International Women's Year.

Korsch-Ward (b. 1921) recalls her friendship with Fawn McKay Brodie and her husband Bernard, whom she met as neighbors and later helped Fawn with her widowhood and in 1981, she helped Fawn during her last ordeal with cancer, as she was a medical doctor.

Krall, professor emeritus of Educational Studies at the University of Utah, discusses her education, her Ph.D. dissertation, the faculty of the Department of Education, her experiences as Chair, departmental politics, and the alternative teachers program.

Landa recalls her early family life and education. She spends most of her time during the interview detailing her terms on the Salt Lake City School Board--1958-1970 and time discussing her term on the state school board.

LeCheminant (b. 1902) recalls her early family life in Manti, Utah; her education; first and second marriages; her work as a teacher; her affiliation with the Unitarian church; association with Unitarian ministers; and her philosophy of Unitarianism.

Lees (b. 1903) remembers her early life, pioneer heritage, and work in the theater under Maude May Babcock at the University and later in Salt Lake and New York drama groups. She also discusses her marriage to C. Lowell Lees, his many accomplishments including staging the first showing of Promised Valley, following with summer festival productions in the "U" stadium, the beginnings of ballet on campus, and outlines his career in California.

Linden (b. 1908) recalls coming to the United States from Hungary, the difficulties she encountered in her life; and joining the Unitarian church, 1930s.

Lindsay (b. 1908), a sister of Philo Farnsworth, recalls Farnsworth's early life and education, his ideas about developing television, and his later work with IT&T.

Lowe (b. 1917), professor emeritus of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah, recalls her early life and education, her career at the University, the administrative discrimination faced by women on the faculty, and her international studies.

June and her children, Mary Lee Madison and Marty Lyman, discuss their experiences and impressions of life at Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, starting in 1971, specifically the events of the American Indian Movement (AIM) insurrection at Wounded Knee. June’s husband, Stan, was superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. She was employed by the school district and worked at Chadron College.

MacQuin talks about nursing education in the 1920s and the development of university nursing programs to supplant the tradition hospital training schools. She talks at great length about the development of nursing curriculum over the years. 

Mainwaring recalls her nursing education in Logan, Utah; her work in establishing the University of Utah nursing program; her graduate schooling; and her later work in beginning a baccalaureate program in nursing at Weber State College, 1930s-1970s.

Malonee recalls how she got into radio and discusses the KSL Players and the development of radio drama. Other topics include unions, Dr. Lowell Durham, Maude May Babcock, and her career at the University of Utah.

Mayden (b. 1923) recalls her career as a librarian at the Veterans Administration Hospital; establishing the Eccles Medical Library, University of Utah, 1950s-1980s; and her association with the Unitarian church, Salt Lake City, 1950s-1980s.

Mayden (b. 1918) recalls her early life, schooling and work prior to coming to Salt Lake City in 1952 as a librarian at the Veterans Administration Hospital; her subsequent career as medical librarian at the University of Utah, 1966-1985; her development of the Eccles Medical Library; and the library-university politics during her tenure.

McDonald (b. 1899) recalls attending the Training School at the University of Utah and her career as a first grade teacher primarily in the Salt Lake District. She also discusses the problems of minority children as well as the influence of Mormonism in Utah education.

Miller (b. 1911) and her sister, Dorothy Jacobson, discuss their theater experience in Salt Lake City during the 1940s-1950s with the Interstake Drama Group and the Deseret Theater.

  • Joyce Mitchell 

Dr. Joyce Mitchell, nationally prominent in the field of bioinformatics and retiring head of the University of Utah’s Department of Bioinformatics, discusses her life and long career, first at the University of Missouri and ten at the University of Utah. A Wyoming native, she attended Stephens College in Missouri and then earned a PhD in population genetics at the University of Wisconsin. She spent twenty-five years on the faculty of the University of Missouri, and left in 2005 for the University of Utah. The first interview covers Dr. Mitchell’s experience at Stephens, postdoctoral work, and her early and ongoing involvement with computer systems. Interview two explores her career at the University of Missouri, which ranged from working on artificial intelligence to IAIMS grants to Y2K compliance and beyond, and discusses Dr. Mitchell’s longstanding relationship with the National Library of Medicine and her service to the Board of Regents. The interview finishes with a look at Dr. Mitchell’s move to the University of Utah in 2005 and her work in linking the University of Utah’s medical infrastructure and its connectedness with the Veterans Administration, Intermountain Healthcare, and the Utah Department of Health and other institutions. The third and final interview continues with Dr. Mitchell’s work at the University of Utah. Dr. Mitchell focuses on key contemporary issues with health informatics, further discusses the cross-institutional medical record infrastructure she helped grow, and also discusses her work teaching summer intensive courses at the Woods Hole Summer of Science. Note: The interview contains supplemental materials. See enclosed speech “Health Science Library Anniversary Symposium Program, University of Missouri, Columbia,” Wednesday, September 28, 2011.

William (b. 1912) and Evangeline Monroe recall their childhoods, educations and religious backgrounds, as well as moving to Salt Lake City in the 1920's and later joining the Unitarian Church.

Morris (b. 1907) discusses her career in the College of Education at the University of Utah, the progress made by women faculty members and her own accomplishments, 1950s-1970s.

Mortensen (b. 1916) recalls her parentage, childhood, and education. She discusses her marriage, houses lived in during World War II, her job with the legislature, siblings, her divorce and college degree, and her position as editor at the Historical Society. She recalls her move to the University of Utah Press, her remarriage in 1963, the founding of the American West magazine in the 1960s, the sale of the magazine in the 1970s, and working in Washington, D.C.

Newby (b. 1906) recalled growing up in the Heber/Midway area, attending the University of Utah in the 1920s, taking classes from Ralph Chamberlin and marrying William Wallace (Kim) Newby, also a professor of biology.

Newman (b. 1915) recalls her personal and family history, her education, work as a teacher, her community and civic work as a leader in the League of Women Voters, her membership in several important governmental committees, and her reasons for joining the Unitarian church. She also discusses her poetry.

Nielson (b. 1903) relates her acting experiences in local theater, the University of Utah Theater, and the Emma Lucy Gates Opera Company.

Nokes (b. 1930) recalls her career in television at KSL and comments on many of the people employed at the station, 1950s-1980s.

Nyswander recalls her early life and schooling; her work as professor of mathematics, University of Utah, 1926-1936; her work in public health, locally, nationally, and internationally, 1930s-1950s; and her participation in the 1950 Centennial Celebration at the University of Utah.

O'Keefe details her genealogy and recalls her childhood and education in parochial schools. She also discusses her education at the University of Utah, her student teaching experience, and her years in the public school system.

Ormsby (b. 1920) recalls her personal and family history and some of her activities in the Unitarian church, Salt Lake City, 1950s-1980s.

Parish (b. 1950) recalls growing up in Iowa, her education at Cornell College in Iowa, the University of Iowa, graduate work in theology at Claremont College in California, her marriage to Methodist minister Wesley Pixler, and their coming to Utah in 1987. She discusses being hired by the ACLU where she became executive director, 1989-1992 and the issues she worked on most notably school prayer, abortion, and prison reform.

  • Esther Peterson 

    Peterson (1906-1997) was born in Provo, Utah. Her father was Lars Eggerrtsen, a first generation American from Danish immigrants. Her mother was Annie Neilson from Veddham, Denmark, who crossed the plains with a handcart company. Esther describes her Utah childhood and talks about teaching physical education (dancing) for two years in Cedar City, Utah, at the Branch Agricultural College. She attended the Teachers’ College at Columbia to get her master’s degree in Administration of Physical Education. There she met her husband, Oliver. They married in 1932. Oliver encouraged her involvement in social issues. She taught at an exclusive girls’ private school, Winsor School, in Boston for six years. She also volunteered at the YWCA teaching dance to girls from the garment industry. After visiting the slums of Cambridge to observe the union movement these girls were associated with, Esther became involved in creating the International Ladies Garment Workers Union. She never stopped fighting for fair labor in America. She spent her summers at the Bryn Mawr College for women working in industry. Esher had four children, and balanced motherhood with teaching for Amalgamated Clothing Workers. She worked in Utah to organize the Utah Garment Factory, and was active in other labor causes. Oliver was a labor attaché, and later worked for the State Department. They spent many years in Europe. She continued working late into her life “on the Hill” in various departments. She has successfully influenced and established many of America’s labor and fairness policies.

Peterson recalls her education at the University of Utah, MBA at Northwestern, family life, tenure at the University of Utah 1950s-1980s where she taught at the College of Business and served as Assistant Dean of Students.

Picht, one of the authors of a history of Unitarianism in Utah, recalls her childhood in the Midwest, her marriage and teaching career, and her involvement with the Unitarian Church.

Piper (b. 1892) recalls her childhood and early schooling in Ogden, Utah. She also discusses her first teaching position and subsequent career, family members, the National Education Association (NEA) and her philosophy of teaching.

Plenk (b. 1916) recalls being born in Hungary, living as a child in Yugoslavia, then moving to Austria where at age 11 she joined the Socialist Youth Movement. She describes her schooling, meeting Henry Plenk, leaving Europe the late 1930s and finally moving to Utah in the 1940s where Henry would be at the University of Utah Medical School as a radiologist. Plenk worked as a child psychologist, obtaining a Ph.D. in Psychology and establishing the Children's Center.

Plummer discusses her husband Gail's (1899-1964) career as the manager of Kingsbury Hall on the campus of the University of Utah. She talks about some of the famous people who performed there and how various U of U administrators dealt with the theater.

Quinn (b. 1908) details her family background and talks about her education and the development of the nurse midwifery program. She also talks about lay midwives.

Reeder (b. 1939) discusses midwifery education in Utah.

Ririe recalls her Salt Lake City childhood and education, her dance training, early career days in New York City, teaching at BYU and for Virginia Tanner, Joan Woodbury and the Ririe-Woodbury dance company, Repertory Dance Theater, University of Utah dance department, people she has worked with over the years, choreography, touring, and combining motherhood with dance.

Robertson (1903-1990) describes her early life and family; her brother, Utah composer Leroy Robertson; her education; her teaching career on the elementary, secondary, and university levels; her work at Topaz, Utah, the Japanese internment camp during the 1940s; her work in Ethiopia in the 1960s; and her chairmanship of the Department of Elementary Education, University of Utah.

Roe (b. 1921) recalls her personal and family history, civic and community work, her employment as secretary to A. Ray Olpin (1946-1950), and her work as head of the Utah Council for Handicapped and Developmentally Disabled Person, 1972-1986. She also discusses her membership in the Unitarian church.

Russon (1905-1986) recalls her family background; her appointment as the first woman in the College of Business, 1940s-1960s; and her participation in local theater, 1930s-1970s.

Samuels (b. 1911) recalls her family, education, and work with her husband, Leo T. Samuels, a noted endocrinologist, (ca.1910-1978), who was at the University of Utah from 1944-1978. Dr. Samuels headed the Department of Biochemistry at the University Medical School, 1944-1964. Mrs. Samuels discusses her association with and views about Unitarianism.

Smith, a younger sister of Fawn McKay Brodie, recalls their Huntsville childhood, the McKay family relationships, and Fawn's education and marriage. She also discusses the reaction of various family members to the Joseph Smith biography.

Smith (b. 1905) recalls her schooling in Salt Lake City and her career as primarily a teacher of typing and shorthand at East High School 1940s-1950s. She discusses teacher/administration politics and various methods of education she was familiar with during her years of teaching, 1930s-1960s.

Smith (b. 1912) recalls her early life and education, her teaching, and the University of Utah Graduate School of Education.

Smith (b. 1940) talks about the formation of the Repertory Dance Theatre, and about the relationship between the Rockefeller Foundation, the company, and the University of Utah dance department. Other topics include Joan Woodbury, Shirley Ririe, choreography, Wayne Richardson, Don Michaelis, Don Anderson, touring, balancing a career in dance with family, the functioning of an artistic democracy, and the place of dance in our culture.

Snow (b. 1901) talks about her pioneer heritage, family life and education, her teaching career at the University of Utah, and the influence of George Thomas, President of the University.

Stewart (b. 1916) recalls her family history, marriage, career as a librarian, and her philosophy of Unitarianism.​​​​​​​

Strahn (b. 1951) recalls her early life, nursing education, mid-wifery training at the University of Utah--evaluating the program, faculty, and other students--and the growth of nurse-midwifery in Utah, 1970s-1980s.

Jerald (1938-2006) and Sandra Tanner discuss their early experiences in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, their meeting and marriage, and the events leading to requesting their names be removed from church membership rolls. Other topics include Modern Microfilm Company (later changed to Utah Lighthouse Ministry), doctrinal questions, Mark Hofmann, and researching Mormon history.

  •  Barbara Thomas 

Thomas, executive secretary of the Council of Governments in Salt Lake County, talks about her early years in Idaho and then southern Utah, her attendance at Dixie State College and then the University of Utah, and her nearly lifelong involvement in local government. She worked for several years with the 5 County Association of Governments, then in Cedar City, before moving up to the Salt Lake area with her husband, who had taken a job at Kennecott. Ms. Thomas worked at American Express part-time for twenty-three years, and spent much of that time in local government, as a city council member and mayor pro tem. She finished her career at the Council of Governments and spends much of the interview describing the COG’s workings, the Wasatch Front Regional Council, funding, annexation and other local government issues.

Thomas (b. 1912) discusses her involvement with the University of Utah Theater during the 1940s-1970s as well as her association with C. Lowell Lees, Maud May Babcock, and George Thomas.

Varela, a staff member of Utah's Board of Regents recalls her involvement in defeating first the tax initiatives which would have impacted Utah's education and second to promote and win approval for the Utah Olympic bid in the late 1980s.

Wilcox, daughter of Irma Felt Bitner, recalls her mother's life, 1888-1965; her career at KSL, 1930s-1940s; her work as a writer; and her work as Salt Lake City Recorder in the 1940s, during Earl Glade's tenure as mayor of Salt Lake City.

Williams (b. 1947) recalls her education, her work in nursing, and her practice of midwifery, 1970s-1980s.

Mrs. Wintrobe (b. 1905) recalls her childhood in Canada as well as her schooling through college and her marriage to Dr. Maxwell M. Wintrobe; moving to Utah and his work at the University of Utah medical school.

Wilkins recalls her early life and education; women in the University of Utah's Law School, 1950s; and her time as a law clerk under Justices McDonaugh, Lewis, and Ritter, 1950s-1960s.

Woodbury describes her childhood in Southern Utah, her dance training, her marriage, the University of Utah, going to Berlin on a Fulbright scholarship, the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company, choreography, and her children.

Wright (b. 1941) discusses her personal and family life and her participation in the Unitarian church, Salt Lake City, 1970s-1980s.


Wyckroff (b. 1938), a gynecologist, has been an active leader at the St. Jude's Episcopalian Church in Cedar City since 1978. She is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles and Irvine. As the church approaches its 25th Anniversary, she discusses some of her early memories. The church grew from a Morning Prayer group that met in the Jim Mittenzwei home. They grew the church mostly without outside help. In 1981 they moved into a storefront location. It was at this location that the church was named St. Jude's. The congregation was very close. The storefront was sold, and they met in a house off of 100 West, but the house burned down, destroying the records. A photo album and collection of newspapers clippings is also missing. She mentions Ron Belnap, Winchell, Jackie Witherspoon, and George Bates. She discusses living in a Mormon community. She left in 1990 and went to South Dakota to practice medicine.

Yeaman (b. 1918) recalls her early family life, interest in books and western history, and her career at the George Thomas and Marriott Libraries, University of Utah, 1930s-1980s. She provides interesting descriptions of her co-workers, librarian colleagues, and the growth of the library system at the University.​​​​​​​


Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library