Aileen H. Clyde 20th Century Women's Legacy Archive: Great Salt Lake oral history project, ACCN 0814

Great Salt Lake oral history project

The Great Salt Lake oral history project is part of the Everett L. Cooley oral history project, ACCN 0814.

Daisy Jenks interviewed Mrs. Cesspooch, whose replies were interpreted by Jason Cuch. Topics include an incident where soldiers gave $50 to some Indians, soldiers at target practice, the death and burial of soldiers, and discussion of a group of White Rivers led by a man named "Moon."

Loe is an artist, writer, and teacher who draws her inspiration from the land. Born and raised on the east coast, Loe moved to Utah in the early 80’s. In the 70’s, Loe received her undergraduate degree in Art History from Penn State, and later received her master’s in Art History from Hunter College in New York City. Loe master’s thesis, An Intermittent Illusion: Local Reaction to Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty, sparked her lifetime involvement with Robert Smithson’s work, and with land art in Utah. Currently, Loe works as a professor at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, as well as with CLUI (Center for Land Use Interpretation) and the Dia Art Foundation. Loe speaks at length about her involvement with the Spiral Jetty, as well as with Nancy Holt’s Sun Tunnels, and about her interpretation of Utah land and beauty.

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