Research Skills for Developing Writers: Welcome to all Undergraduate Writers!
An introductory guide to help multilingual undergraduate writers at the U develop their research skills.
Introduction: How to Use this Guide
Directory of Lessons
- Lesson 1: The Research ProcessThis is a method to guide you as you conduct your research.
- Lesson 2: Meeting your LibrariansThese are the people who can best help you with your research.
- Lesson 3: Developing a TopicThis lesson will help you select an appropriate topic and develop effective search terms.
- Lesson 4: Using the Marriott Library CatalogThis is an introduction to using the catalog to find Marriott Library resources.
- Lesson 5: Using Library DatabasesAcademic Search Premier is a database you can use to find periodicals.
- Lesson 6: Evaluating your SourcesCRAAP will help you determine if your resource is appropriate for academic research.
- Lesson 7: What is Plagiarism?This lesson will help you understand plagiarism, its consequences, and how to avoid it.
- Lesson 8: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, & QuotingLearn how to choose important information about your topic and document it properly.
- Lesson 9: Citing your SourcesNoodleTools is a service that will help you document your references and in-text citations.
Subject Guide

Darby Fanning
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 S 1500 E, Office 1726B
SLC, UT 84112-0860
295 S 1500 E, Office 1726B
SLC, UT 84112-0860