Music: Delving Deeper into your topic
Music Research Portal
Introduction to the Periodical Indexes for Music Research
- A good general database to start with to find articles for your music research is Music Database. It is first on the list below.
- You should search all of the databases below to find as much information and as many articles as you can since different databases may include content from different sources. Imagine an entire pie: each database may provide one slice. But you want the whole pie!
- As you search each database you'll find some articles are "full-text" while others will require you to place an ILL request. Feel free to drop into McKay Library or hop on to our virtual reference if you need some guidance to making ILL requests for any articles!
Delving deeper into your topic: Finding Articles and Citations
- Music DatabaseThis database indexes more than 350 current and 140+ archival (pre-1996) journals from over 20 countries and also indexes features, music articles, and obituaries appearing in The New York Times and the Washington Post. Indexed titles cover both scholarly and popular periodicals in the areas of classical music, opera, jazz, popular music and pop culture, music education, musicology, music theory, and many others.
- Music IndexOnline coverage spans from 1976 to the present and contains surveyed data from 775 international music periodicals from over 40 countries. Some backfile data from the period 1962-1975 is also included. Includes topic concerned with every aspect of the clasical and world music.
- Project MuseFull text to over 400 scholarly peer reviewed journals by over 100 publishers in the humanities and social sciences.
- RILM Abstracts of Music LiteratureCompiled by the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, this is the world's largest, continuously updated bibliography of music literature providing broad international coverage including records in over 202 languages from 5,200 journals.
- RIPMCovers music periodicals from 1800-1950. The RIPM (Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals) database indexes the contents of over 140 music periodicals, including articles, reviews, illustrations, music examples, advertisements, press reviews and more. RIPM also offers more than 5,000 English-language translations of articles from journals in other languages. New titles are added to the database every six months.
Music Librarian
Lisa Chaufty
School of Music
1375 E. Presidents Circle
McKay Music Library,
Room 100
1375 E. Presidents Circle
McKay Music Library,
Room 100
Subjects: Music