Music: Plagiarism

Music Research Portal

University of Utah Policy

Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct. According to University of Utah Policy 6-410, academic misconduct can result in the following:

 "a grade reduction, failing grade, probation, suspension or dismissal from the Program or the University, or revocation of the Student's degree or certificate. Sanctions may also include community service, a written reprimand, and/or a written statement of misconduct that can be put into an appropriate record maintained for purposes of the profession or discipline for which the Student is preparing."  U.U. Policy 6-410, a, III, C.


The most comprehensive resource about plagiarism can be found at
Purdue OWL also has a plagiarism education module.

Plagiarism: What is it & When do I Need to Cite a Source?

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Music Librarian

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Lisa Chaufty
School of Music
1375 E. Presidents Circle
McKay Music Library,
Room 100
Subjects: Music
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library