Music: Resources to Assist With Your Writing
Writing Resources On Campus & On the Web
McKay Library offers this free service to undergraduate and graduate students who would like some writing guidance or assistance with searching the catalog/databases as well as any assistance finding resources. If you have questions about how we can help, please ask.
To sign up for a time (through Zoom or in-person) with Prof. Lisa Chaufty, McKay's music librarian, please make an e-mail appointment and we'll take care of you. Prof. Chaufty can also read your DMA document for clarity and give any guidance related to document formatting according to the Graduate School Thesis Handbook.
Peer tutors offer writing consultations from all subjects and disciplines for undergraduate and graduate students. Located in the Marriott Library, 2nd floor.
Make an appointment.
Grammarly is an AI writing tool which can be used to streamline and help you learn to proof your own writing. It is free for all graduate students at the University of Utah. Undergraduates can use the free version of Grammarly or pay for a premium subscription.
You may know this online cite as a resource for citation style guides such as MLA, Chicago, and APA. But, it is much more! Use the site map to familiarize yourself with the guide's many topics. You may find the general guide to writing particularly helpful for a number of student writing activities.
Music Librarian

1375 E. Presidents Circle
McKay Music Library,
Room 100