Images and Media for Research and Presentations: Chicago/Turabian
Library Guides and Web Resources
- Style and Citation ManualsThis guide also contains call numbers and links to the catalog records of the guides in the Knowledge Commons Ready Reference Collection on the 2nd Floor of Marriott Library.
- NoodleTools"In short, NoodleTools will help you create and produce a perfectly stylized bibliography for each research paper or project that you must develop for any of your classes that require APA, MLA or Chicago/Turabian style as a standard for documentation (i.e., your citations)."
- Endnote and Endnote Web SupportEndNote remains the favored, time-saving solution for organizing references and creating instant bibliographies.
- Cite SourceAn excellent citation resource that provides useful information and examples for APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.
The Chicago manual of style
LVL 2: Knowledge Commons Ready Reference
Z253 .U69 2010
The Chicago Manual of Style is used by some professional social sciences associations and publishers (e.g. the American Anthropological Association) and many in the arts and humanities. For more information, consult the manual directly via the database or the library copy. The database has an excellent Q & A section where users can submit questions and browse answers to previous questions.
The Chicago Manual of Style Online
If you are off-campus, you will need to log in to access the database.
Using and Citing Images and Visuals
Images and visuals should be labeled as figures and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. If your image is a table, different formatting rules will apply (consult the manual for more information). The figure number should be followed by a caption, which should include a brief title and/or an explanation of the figure (if necessary), and source information. Both figure number and caption should appear beneath the image. In a paper or other work with only a few images, there is no need for a separate list of illustrations or appendix.
Basic elements: Artist Full Name, Work Title, Date Work Created, Medium and Type of Work, Institution holding work, Institution City, State. Source.
If the image is from a book, the source information will include the following elements: Book Title, by Author Full Name. Publication City, State: Publisher, Year of Publication, p. XX (page number).
If the image is from a website or database, source information will include: URL (date accessed Day Month Year)
Fig. 4. Director, Actor and Writer Woody Allen. Philippe Halsman, Woody Allen, 1969, Photograph. Magnum Photos, New York, New York. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed January 19, 2012)