Images and Media for Research and Presentations: Chicago/Turabian
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The Chicago manual of style
LVL 2: Knowledge Commons Ready Reference
Z253 .U69 2010The Chicago Manual of Style Online
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Library Guides and Web Resources
- Style and Citation ManualsThis guide also contains call numbers and links to the catalog records of the guides in the Knowledge Commons Ready Reference Collection on the 2nd Floor of Marriott Library.
- NoodleTools"In short, NoodleTools will help you create and produce a perfectly stylized bibliography for each research paper or project that you must develop for any of your classes that require APA, MLA or Chicago/Turabian style as a standard for documentation (i.e., your citations)."
- Endnote and Endnote Web SupportEndNote remains the favored, time-saving solution for organizing references and creating instant bibliographies.
- Cite SourceAn excellent citation resource that provides useful information and examples for APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.
Using and Citing Audio and Multimedia
The Chicago Manual of Style delineates two different systems of citation. The Notes-Bibliography style uses either foot- or end-notes to cite sources in-text, followed by a separate Bibliography page including all works used. The Author-Date style uses a parenthetical reference, including page number, to cite a work in-text e.g. (Smith 2003, 99) followed by a separate References List. Recordings are generally grouped in a separate discography, rather than in the bibliography. If cited in the bibiography, group recordings under a subhead.
Music Recording
Basic Bibliography Format: Author last name, first name. "Track Name." Album title. Production company, Year, Format.
Welch, Gillian and David Rawlings. “Six White Horses.” The harrow & the harvest. Acony, 2011, CD.
Basic Note Format: Author Full Name, "Track Name," on Album title, Production company, Year, Format.
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, "Six White Horses," on The harrow & the harvest, Acony, CD, 2011.
Parenthetical: (Welch and Rawlings 2011)
Audio Podcast
Basic Bibliography Format: Primary Author/Musician/Producer last name, first name (can be an organization as well; see below). "Title of Podcast," Program title. Date. Title of website. Type of file. URL (accessed date).
Chicago Public Media. “Neighborhood Watch,” This American Life. November 19, 2010. This American Life website. Adobe Flash file. (accessed January 22, 2012).
Basic Note format: Primary Author/Musician/Producer full name, "Title of Podcast," Program title (Date), Title of website, type of file, length of program, URL (accessed date).
Chicago Public Media, “Neighborhood Watch,” This American Life (originally aired November 10, 2010), This American Life website, Adobe Flash file, (accessed January 22, 2012).
Parenthetical: (Chicago Public Media, November 19, 2010, 3:43) If relevant, include the time at which the material cited appears.
Video or DVD
Basic Bibliography Format: Film title. Format. Directed by Director Full Name. Year Released; City, State: Production Company, Year Released on DVD/Video.
50/50. DVD. Directed by Jonathan Levine. 2011; Santa Monica, CA: Summit Entertainment, 2012.
Basic Note Format: Title, Format, Directed by Director Full Name (Year Released; City, State: Production Company, Year Released on DVD/Video).
50/50, DVD, Directed by Jonathan Levine (2011; Santa Monica, CA: Summit Entertainment, 2012).
Parenthetical: (50/50 2011)