There are many plugins that will add images to your page. These include, Image with Text, Simple Carousel, Media Embed, Item Showcase, and Universal Viewer. The most commonly used are Media Embed. Item Showcase, and Universal Viewer. Below are some brief pointers on each.
In order to add the media widget to your page, find it on the right pane and click the plus button. Always hit the "Save" button in order to save your work.
Image with Text is a custom plugin thanks to the developers at the Marriott Library. This plugin would be great for the beginning of an exhibit where an image with a text overlay might be desired.
Backend View:
Frontend View:
SimpleCarousel allows for a carousel or slideshow of images to rotate, or be rotate-able by clicking, on a page.
Add "SimpleCarousel" plugin and add media attachments for items in the slideshow. There are a number of customizable options, including carousel height, duration of image on screen, looping, carousel title. One drawback of this feature is that individual item titles are not displayed nor can they be clicked on to open the full record for the item, including full metadata.
Frontend View:
The Media Embed plugin will allow you to add a single image, in various sizes and various alignments, to a page.
Media Embed Backend:
Media Embed Frontend:
The Item Showcase plugin will allow you to add a row of images that will automatically center on the page. Options include, size of thumbnail that appears on the page and metadata shown with it.
Item Showcase Backend View:
Item Showcase Frontend View:
Please note, Item Showcase is customizable in the Marriott Library Default theme but the varying settings will be implemented site wide - not just for one page within an exhibit. Custom options include Full Height (Default), Cropped Height, and Boxed. Full Height will display images at their full pixel height. Cropped Height will crop images over 380 pixels. Images under 380 pixels will appear at their full height so this option is ideal for tall images. If you have images under 380 pixels tall that you want to display as the same size, you may want to resize the images in Adobe Photoshop before uploading the item to OmekaS. Boxed will resize all images to the same size and add a border to each image.
Boxed Item Show Case Frontend:
The Universal Viewer plugin can be used for images and text documents. For images, it is ideal for high resolution images that would benefit from a pan and zoom feature. The fronted display has a side bar that, when clicked, will show all of the item's metadata.
Universal Viewer Backend:
Universal Viewer Frontend: