University of Utah Library Guides
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Digital Exhibits with OmekaS : Embedding Websites

This guide provides basic instruction on how to use OmekaS for the Marriott Library Digital Exhibits platform.

Embedding Web Resources

It is very easy to embed a web page or other embeddable web resource to an OmekaS Page. All you need is an iFrame or embedding code provided by the website you wish to embed.


First, and an HTML block to your page. Then enable your cursor in the HTML block so the menu options appear at the top. The fist option is the <>Source which will pop up the HTML box for that block. From here you can add HTML and your iFame code.  A basic iFrame code is as follows: 

<iframe src="demo_iframe.htm" height="200" width="300" title="Iframe Example"></iframe>

May websites will provide an iFrame for you via an embed button. If that option isn't available, you may can use the basic iFrame code above to embed to your page.

For example, I want to add an ArcGIS map of Short-eared Owl Predictions in the Pacific Northwest to my  page. So I will now add that URL to my iFrame code and adjust the size of the iFrame since I want to to be a large portion of my page:

<iframe src="" height="500" width="700" title="Bird Map"></iframe>

HTML Source Backend:

Once you add the HTML and click OK, you could get a preview of the web resource on the backend:

The frontend will display the interactive map:

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