University of Utah Library Guides
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Digital Exhibits with OmekaS : Adding Other Media

This guide provides basic instruction on how to use OmekaS for the Marriott Library Digital Exhibits platform.

Adding Video and Sound

It is possible to add video and sounds to your page by uploading the media file with metadata to you Item Set and then adding the desired media via the Media Embed widget. Please note, any files over 1 gigabyte will not upload to OmekaS so you'll need to be aware of the file size.

If there is a video on YouTube that you'd like to add to your page, below are the instructions. 

Adding YouTube Videos

It is possible to upload YouTube videos with metadata by adding an Item, then when in the media tab add the YouTube feature. 

Add Item:

Then to add this to your page, use the Media Embed plugin to add the video:

This is how the video will appear:


Another YouTube Option

Another option to upload a YouTube video would be to use the iFrame code provided by YouTube. This will allow you to customize the size of the media box that appears on the page. For example, this is the iFrame provided by YouTube for the video above:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Below is a comparison of how these two different ways to add a YouTube video to a page. The left is the Media Embed and the right is the iFrame provided by YouTube. The video on the left allows accompanying metadata for the video. 

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