Theatre: Biographies
This guide provides links to basic theatre research: history, design, acting, production, scripts, videos, and careers.
Find Biographies in Books
Use the library catalog's Advanced Search mode. Change the drop-down menu from Any Field to Subject. Search for the phrase name AND biography, where nameis replaced by an actual person’s name to find books about that person. You can also replace the wordnamewith the termdramatists(not playwrights),actors, or actresses for generic results.
Similarly, you can replace the word biography with memoirs or diaries or autobiographies.
Women's Theatrical Memoirs (10-volume set), 2007 by
Marriott Library, Level 2, Fine Arts Library Collection: PN2598.T4 W66 2007
Find Biographies in Databases
These electronic databases provide citations and full-text biographies.